
topicnews · September 5, 2024

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh: Elections more likely after end of Trudeau deal – Firstpost

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh: Elections more likely after end of Trudeau deal – Firstpost

“I have torn up the agreement with Justin Trudeau and I know that means that an election is more likely. We are ready to fight an election whenever it happens,” Jagmeet Singh told reporters in Toronto.
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The leader of Canada’s opposition New Democratic Party, who had just abandoned a deal to keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in power, said on Thursday that new elections were now more likely.

Jagmeet Singh spoke after withdrawing his unconditional support for the minority Liberal government on Wednesday, forcing Trudeau to seek new alliances to stay in office until a federal election that must be held in late October 2025.

“I have terminated the agreement with Justin Trudeau and I know that means elections are now more likely. We are ready to participate in elections whenever they happen,” he told reporters in Toronto.

Trudeau’s government can be overthrown if all opposition parties join forces and support a vote of no confidence.

Singh dodged questions about whether he would vote to bring down the government, saying his left-leaning party would decide on a case-by-case basis whether to support the Liberals. The NDP is the fourth-largest party in the House of Commons.

However, Trudeau’s government could survive if the NDP abstained from a vote of confidence.