
topicnews · September 5, 2024

Information meeting in the morning, 5.9.: Merz issues ultimatum on asylum policy

Information meeting in the morning, 5.9.: Merz issues ultimatum on asylum policy

In the discussion on asylum and migration policy, CDU leader
Friedrich Merz has given the federal government an ultimatum. More on this and the other topics of the morning with Andreas Böhnisch.

At a campaign event in Brandenburg, Merz demanded that the
Federal Government by next Tuesday a binding declaration
about rejections at the German borders. Further discussions
Otherwise it doesn’t make sense, says Merz.

CDU party leader Merz wants certain asylum seekers to be turned away at the border. According to EU rules, the countries of arrival are actually responsible. Now he is increasing the …

Criticism came from SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert that evening. He told ARD that no one had any interest in dragging out the issue. He was not prepared to accept such a provocation. The talks between the traffic light coalition, the Union and the federal states on migration policy have so far been far too serious and serious for that. The question of the extent to which more emphasis can be placed on rejections at the German borders is also controversial within the traffic light coalition. The Greens in particular point to legal hurdles.

Deportations: Municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate want more support

From the perspective of the Rhineland-Palatinate municipalities, the deportation of rejected asylum seekers often fails due to cumbersome bureaucracy. The cities and districts criticize this in a SWR survey. Many immigration authorities repeatedly have problems because people who are required to leave the country do not have an ID or passport with them. This results in complex investigations.


Young men with suitcases in front of a reception center for asylum seekers in Rhineland-Palatinate

Many hurdles: repatriations often fail
Deportations: Districts and cities in RLP demand more support

The districts and cities in Rhineland-Palatinate often fail to deport rejected asylum seekers. The reasons for this are complex and the list of their demands is long.

Currently at 12

SWR1 Rhineland-Palatinate

Some CDU district administrators in Rhineland-Palatinate are calling for the deportation ban to Syria and Afghanistan to be lifted. In doing so, they are joining the German Association of Districts. The districts of Birkenfeld, Neuwied and Bad Dürkheim are also calling for increased controls at the borders.

SPD in BW criticizes the administrative plans of the green-black government

The Baden-Württemberg state government will make administration easier for certain ministry employees. The opposition is now criticizing this. It concerns employees with humanities and social science degrees. More than half of them work in the government headquarters of Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann, the state ministry announced in response to a request from the SPD in the state parliament.