
topicnews · September 5, 2024

DU UG approval: Only a few hours left to accept upgrades – details here

DU UG approval: Only a few hours left to accept upgrades – details here

The University of Delhi has issued a notification announcing the revision of the schedule for the upgrade round of undergraduate admissions round. According to a press release dated September 4, the acceptance window for the upgrade allotments and first round results for merit-based programmes, CW (children/widows of armed forces personnel), ECA (extracurricular activities), sports and Ward Quota has been extended.

The portal will remain open until September 5 at 4:59 p.m. Candidates admitted in Round 1 and Round 2 had the opportunity to “upgrade” and reorder the higher preference program and college combinations.

The “upgrade window” opened on August 31 and accepted applications until September 1. It allowed candidates who were admitted in Round 1 and Round 2 to opt for an upgrade according to their higher preference. The results were announced on September 3. The August 31 notification said that candidates could “accept” the upgrade until 4:59 pm on Wednesday, September 4. However, the timeline has been revised.

According to the new schedule, the selected colleges have to review and approve the online applications by 4:59 PM on Friday, September 6. In the meantime, the university will accept the admission fees online before the deadline on Friday, September 6, 11:59 PM.

In addition, the University has introduced a Mid-Entry policy for those applicants who have not applied for CSAS(UG) 2024 Phase I or have not completed Phase II. The Mid-Entry Application Acceptance Portal will open on Saturday, September 7 at 5:00 p.m. and will accept applications until Monday, September 9 at 4:59 p.m. A non-refundable fee of There is a fee of 1000 and the list of available places will be posted on Saturday 7 September at 17:00.

Specifically, the third round of CSAS allocations, which includes Round II for Merit-Based Programmes, CW, ECA, Sports and Ward Quota, is scheduled to be announced on Wednesday, September 11, at 5:00 p.m.