
topicnews · September 5, 2024

Krassnitzer and Neuhauser will be investigating at the start of the season on 15 September on ORF 2 and on ORF ON in the new Austro-Autumn “Deine Mutter”

Krassnitzer and Neuhauser will be investigating at the start of the season on 15 September on ORF 2 and on ORF ON in the new Austro-Autumn “Deine Mutter”

The successful Austrian duo Harald Krassnitzer and Adele Neuhauser will be launching the “Tatort” season on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 8:15 p.m. on ORF 2 and ORF ON in their latest fall album, “Deine Mutter,” and thus in one of the most polarizing forms of music of the present day. An aspiring Viennese rapper is found dead. His surroundings are teeming with suspects. Was it the label owner who was about to lend out his star? The dead man’s best friend who was taken advantage of by him? Or someone else entirely?

For the new Austrian crime thriller, Harald Krassnitzer (in his 58th autumn) and Adele Neuhauser (in her 34th autumn) were in front of the camera in Vienna (including in the Flex and the Gasometer), as were Hubert Kramar, Christina Scherrer and Günter Franzmeier, as well as Aleksandar Simonovski aka Yugo, Murat Seven, Salka Weber, Edita Malovčić, Tobias Resch, Kiara Hollatko aka KeKe and Hary Prinz. Director Mirjam Unger, who in the past was responsible for “Vorstadtweiber”, “Tage, die es nicht gibt” and the country crime thriller “Das Mädchen aus dem Bergsee” and worked as a music journalist for many years, as well as screenwriter Franziska Pflaum and screenwriter Samuel Deisenberger are celebrating their “Tatort” debut with “Deine Mutter”.

“Tatort – Deine Mutter” is an ORF production, produced by Kultfilm.

Director Mirjam Unger: “Combining two different art forms, hip-hop and crime, in one ‘Tatort’”

Director Mirjam Unger on the film characters: “We based each character on real people from the scene.” No music genre has so much weight worldwide, its protagonists are stars with the most diverse styles, attitudes and attitudes.” And further: “Stage performance and acting are two different things. All the musicians wanted to act, but they were just film amateurs. We also gave them crash courses on what it means to be in front of the camera. Everyone mastered the challenge brilliantly. We exchanged ideas in both directions to combine two different art forms, hip-hop and crime, in one ‘Tatort’.” On the rap interlude of the two detectives in the film: “For me it was especially important that the rap interlude came across as unembarrassing as possible. Not that everyone thinks they’re extremely cool, but the young viewers otherwise say: Please, leave it alone! It’s a quirky and funny performance that you don’t expect. In any case, Adele and Harald have never been seen like this before.”

Screenwriting duo Samuel Deisenberg and Franziska Pflaum: “Making the fascination for this music tangible”

“We wanted to name critical positions and, on the other hand, make the fascination for this music tangible.” This desire resulted in a wide range of characters who represent some facets of the hip-hop scene and are also relevant to the crime story plot. All the topics associated with this culture, such as the image of women, homosexuality, drug abuse, stardom, rap as a mouthpiece and form of expression for the less privileged, found their way into the story. In the end, after more than three years of collaboration with the ORF editorial team, it was a matter of finding a suitable balance between authenticity and the Viennese ‘Tatort’ flair.” And further: “Our ‘Tatort’ is also aimed at viewers who do not come from the scene and is intended to give them an insight into a culture that is so rich that it could fill entire seasons of documentary series. We are very happy that Mirjam Unger was chosen to direct our script. Not only does she have a relevant background, but she also shares our passion for music and has worked intensively with people from the scene.”

On air and on set: the Austro-“Tatort” year 2024

The Austrian “Tatort” cases “We can’t be caught!” and “Messer” (AT) have already been filmed and are expected to be shown on ORF 2 and ORF ON in 2025. Harald Krassnitzer and Adele Neuhauser also have another Austrian crime thriller on their filming schedule, which is also due to be broadcast next year.

“The Long Night of Moritz Eisner” on 14 and 15 September

To mark Harald Krassnitzer’s 25th anniversary as Austrian “Tatort” inspector Moritz Eisner, “The Long Night of Moritz Eisner” will be shown twice on ORF 2 and ORF ON on September 14 and 15, 2024, where the da capos will be available to stream 24 hours before the TV broadcast. To get you in the mood, the cases “Passion” (September 6, 2:35 a.m.) and “Bad Blood” (September 13, 12:55 a.m.) will be shown in advance. On Saturday, September 14, the Austrian crime series “Her mit der Marie!” (10:50 p.m.), “Unvergessen” (12:20 a.m.), “Elvis lebt” (1:50 a.m.) and “Nie wieder Oper” (3:20 a.m.), Moritz Eisner’s first case, will be shown. On Sunday, September 15th, the “Tatort” evening, which begins at 8:15 p.m. with the ORF premiere of the new case “Deine Mutter”, will continue with “Pumpen” (11:05 p.m.), “Virus” (12:35 a.m.), “Grenzfall” (2:00 a.m.) and “Der Millenniumsmörder” (3:30 a.m.).

“Tatort” to stream on ORF ON

The new crime thriller “Deine Mutter” will be available to stream on ORF ON from its TV broadcast on Sunday, September 15th, at 8:15 p.m. The Dacapo “Tatort” cases, which will be shown on ORF 2 on September 6th and 13th and as part of the “Long Night of Moritz Eisner” on September 14th and 15th, will be available on ORF ON 24 hours before their TV broadcast. A selection of other “Tatort” films can also be found on ORF ON.