
topicnews · September 4, 2024

True Crime from Hesse: The Johanna Bohnacker case: After 18 years, the child murderer is caught

True Crime from Hesse: The Johanna Bohnacker case: After 18 years, the child murderer is caught

Die achtjährige Johanna wird 1999 entführt und später tot aufgefunden. Fast zwei Jahrzehnte später wird der Täter gefasst. Wer ermordete das Mädchen?


Symbolic image. Eight-year-old Johanna Bohnacker was the victim of a cruel crime in 1999; the perpetrator was caught and identified in 2017.

Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

What happened?

Johanna disappeared on September 2, 1999 in Ranstadt-Bobenhausen after she had not returned home from playing. Her father immediately searched for her and discovered his daughter’s abandoned bicycle near a sports field. Despite an intensive search, Johanna remained missing until April 1, 2000, when walkers found her skeletonized body in a forest near Alsfeld, about 100 kilometers away.