
topicnews · September 4, 2024

More control over your own music collection ›

More control over your own music collection ›

The music app SongPocket has received a major update to version 3.0 and is still available free of charge in the App Store. The app was developed to give users more freedom in managing their music collection. Features such as sorting albums and songs in any order set it apart from many other music applications in the App Store.

Flexible sorting and personal collections

One of the main features of SongPocket is the ability to re-sort albums and songs in any order. Users can move their favorites to the top and move less frequently listened albums to the bottom.

The app also allows you to group albums by different artists into so-called “Collections,” which can be sorted and renamed as desired. A new option now also sorts albums by title, which offers another opportunity for customization.

Song Bag 1

Full-cover album covers

SongPocket displays album covers across the entire screen – users should feel like they are browsing through a record collection. However, the developer admits that the app still needs improvement in terms of the way it displays information, as the current view only shows a few albums at a time, which makes it difficult to see clearly.

The update also brings minor design changes such as revised icons and improved navigation. For example, menus remain open when switching between titles.

SongPocket offers a special approach to music collection, but is primarily aimed at users who value individual sorting options. Anyone who wants to make their music collection flexible should give the completely free download a test run on their own device.

Download from App Store

Developer: Loud Sound Dreams

Price: Free