
topicnews · September 4, 2024

Successful start for “Refill”

Successful start for “Refill”

Avoiding waste, bringing people together and at the same time raising awareness of the important resource of drinking water – all of these aspects are combined in the “Refill” project, which, as reported, recently started in Kitzbühel.

Kitzbühel | The drinking water “Refill” project in Kitzbühel creates opportunities to refill your own drinking water bottle with tap water free of charge in shops, establishments or companies. The establishments will display a “Drinking Water Refill” sticker on their doors to indicate the option to refill your water bottle. Commissioned by the town of Kitzbühel with the support of the Frauenschuh company and the Sparkasse Kitzbühel as well as the Kitzbühel cable cars and Kitzbühel Tourism, the project will draw attention to the good availability of water and its excellent quality and encourage guests to drink first-class tap water.

30 companies are already on board
So far, 30 businesses in and around the Kitzbühel town are on board, as one of the initiators of Refill, Petra Eder-Kühr, reports. Locals and guests can easily identify them using the refill sticker in the shape of a water drop. This makes it easy to get a refreshing sip of cool water without having to buy another disposable bottle.

—> You can find more articles on the topic of “Green Living” in the current issue.

Drinking water refill started in the Wilder Kaiser region in May 2024. Drinking water bottles can be refilled in over 30 shops and establishments in the towns of Going, Ellmau, Scheffau and Söll. Things are already going well in the Gamsstadt too. “It’s great how much feedback we’re getting.” “Many people talk to us about the topic, not least because of the refill stickers,” emphasizes Eder-Kühr.

Companies that would like to take part are of course very welcome – participation is free for the companies. The stickers are available from the Greenfluencing team. Contact: [email protected] or Tel. 0650 430 3686 or [email protected], Tel. 0664 8515 822. With a good idea, you can make a difference. This is also and especially evident in initiatives such as “Refill”, which integrate sustainability into everyday life in a very low-threshold manner and create added value for locals and guests.

Avoid waste, raise awareness
“Avoiding waste is one of our biggest concerns on the Greenfluencing platform. With projects like Refill, we want to raise awareness of the privilege of having good water at our disposal. “At the same time, Refill in Kitzbühel has shown itself to be a unifying project that has already brought many partners together,” adds Petra Eder-Kühr. KA

Image: The Refill project prevents waste and at the same time raises awareness of drinking water. Photos: Greenfluencing Kitzbühel/Pexels-Pixabay