
topicnews · September 4, 2024

Start of the new school year – actively against bullying

Start of the new school year – actively against bullying

For many children, going to school every day is a challenge. The reason for this is bullying. Cell phones and social media do their part to spread ridicule and suffering in a matter of seconds.

What can parents do to protect their children?

As children increasingly use American smartphones and the Internet, there are also more opportunities for bullies to harm them. With just one click, cyberbullies can mercilessly taunt, harass and threaten their victims and even invade their home environment via mobile phone or computer. As some young victims of bullying report, they felt helpless, isolated and, in the worst cases, even considered suicide.

How can parents protect their children?

Experts advise that parents should take an interest in their children’s online lives. This interest doesn’t mean parents have to become tech whizzes. Instead, visit the website and look for the smallest clues that something is wrong: Is a child withdrawing? Is he hiding his screen when others are around? Is he reacting emotionally to what’s happening on his device?

It also helps to speak openly and often with children. “The more you talk to children about bullying, the more likely they are to talk about it openly if they observe it or experience it themselves,” says the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF in his online tips for parents.

In addition to talking, listening and observing, experts say parents should not be afraid to set rules for their children regarding the use of smartphones and the Internet.

Many families have found useful suggestions on jw.orgfound the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Informative videos and articles are available there free of charge.