
topicnews · September 4, 2024

More and more syphilis and HIV infections in Bavaria

More and more syphilis and HIV infections in Bavaria

Health Minister Gerlach: Doctor-patient conversation should be a matter of course

For Bavaria’s Health Minister Gerlach, the figures are alarming: “Sexually transmitted infections can have serious consequences if left untreated.” It is therefore all the more important that those affected seek medical advice, says the CSU politician. “False shame and thoughtlessness can endanger ourselves and other people.”

“Unfortunately, it is still taboo to talk about sexually transmitted diseases. But you can protect yourself and others by getting the right information,” stresses Gerlach. Doctor-patient discussions about sexual health should be just as natural as discussions about other health-related topics.

Antibiotic resistance complicates treatment of infections

The president of the Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), Norbert Brockmeyer, also sees a need for action. “We have a problem with sexually transmitted infections and it is constantly getting worse.” The dermatologist and HIV expert also points to the growing number of antibiotic resistances. This endangers the treatment of a whole range of sexually transmitted infections.

Although the majority of the increasing cases of syphilis are still among younger men who have sex with men, the increase in older people cannot be denied. “Many people no longer even think about the fact that sexuality can also be experienced in old age,” says Brockmeyer, adding: “My oldest patient with a syphilis infection was 85 years old.” But once someone has contracted syphilis, death can remain undetected for many years. In nursing homes, for example, sexuality is completely ignored, complains Brockmeyer.

Sexually transmitted diseases are not only an issue among younger people

This also has to do with the fact that older generations are less afraid and more sexually active than before – even with different partners. In general, the opportunities to get to know each other online play a big role, but so do swinger clubs and available sexual enhancers.

In addition, older people no longer have to worry about unwanted pregnancy, meaning that condoms are used less frequently. And with better treatment options for HIV and AIDS, for example, a certain carelessness has also set in.

Gerlach again calls for HPV vaccination

On the occasion of World Sexual Health Day, Gerlach also promoted the fight against cancer-causing human papilloma viruses (HPV): “Timely HPV vaccination protects girls and boys effectively and safely against various cancers caused by HPV, such as cervical cancer.”

In Bavaria, however, less than half of 15-year-old girls and just under a quarter of 15-year-old boys are fully vaccinated against HPV. The viruses are transmitted primarily through sexual intercourse. The Standing Committee on Vaccination recommends the HPV vaccination for children and adolescents aged nine and over.