
topicnews · September 3, 2024

These YouTube clips show babies for minutes

These YouTube clips show babies for minutes

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The dancing figures seem to hypnotize the little ones. However, experts advise caution when it comes to too much screen time for babies.

With a small child in the household, there is little time for everyday tasks like doing laundry or vacuuming. Parents have now found a solution on TikTok that gives them some free time: free YouTube videos that are supposed to put babies into a kind of hypnosis.

Videos are intended to give parents 10 minutes of peace

The hypnotic videos come from the YouTube channel “Hey Bear Sensory”. They show various cute animated fruit and vegetable characters dancing to different melodies. The videos last about ten to twenty minutes and are intended to hypnotize the little ones.

The videos are intended to put babies into a trance on a regular basis. (Symbolic image) © Depositphotos / Imago

Numerous videos on social media show babies fascinated by the dancing characters.

The bouncing fruits captivate parents and children

But it’s not just babies who seem to be fascinated by the videos. A mother demonstrates in her video that she too can’t resist the screen. Her baby may be completely fixated on the screen, but she can’t look away and can do some housework in the meantime, as she had originally planned.

Other parents also confirmed in the comments that they themselves cannot look away when the videos are playing. One user, for example, wrote: “My son is 4. I turned this on to see what was happening. We sat there for an hour and watched these fruits and vegetables jumping around.”

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Dogs also follow the videos as if in a trance

Interestingly, the hypnosis trick doesn’t just seem to work on people. Some users report that their pets also liked the funny videos and that they found the videos for their dogs. For example, when they have to stay home alone.

Do not regularly quieten children in front of the television

Despite the amusing trend, it is important to limit screen time for children. Several experts and studies have already shown that too much screen time can have negative effects on babies’ development. For example, one study found that too much time in front of the tablet can delay language development.

As with many other things, the same applies here: enjoy in moderation. It is perfectly normal for parents to sometimes want to “quiet” their children in front of the television for a few minutes. However, it is important that the little ones do not spend hours in front of the screen.