
topicnews · September 3, 2024

Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis: Around 1,500 DS license plates on the first day

Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis: Around 1,500 DS license plates on the first day

Since Monday, road users in the Schwarzwald-Baar district have been able to reserve the DS license plate. What the trends are and what the situation is with the Villinger VL.

Pure nostalgia – at least for some road users in the Schwarzwald-Baar district. Since Monday afternoon, it has been possible to reserve the new old DS license plate for Donaueschingen at the registration office. Around 1,500 people didn’t need to be told twice and reserved a new plate for their holy metal on the very first day, according to the first report from the Schwarzwald-Baar district office.

Frank Fetzer from the Road Traffic Office knows which license plates are particularly popular:

These are the DS trends

At least demonstrate your affiliation with the Black Forest-Baar district with a touch of humility, for example with a DS-VS license plate. So far, however, this is not a trend (yet). So-called short license plates with individual numbers and letters, on the other hand, are: These had to be reserved directly at the counter on Monday. For other combinations, this can be done comfortably online from home. Particularly popular license plate: “The number one in combination with one or two letters – that is what is most in demand and is actually already as good as gone,” says Frank Fetzer from the Black Forest-Baar District Road Traffic Office.

Donaueschingen – a city of nostalgics?

Most reservations were actually made in Donaueschingen. Based on the number of vehicles in the towns of Donaueschingen, Bräunlingen and Hüfingen, ten percent of vehicle owners have already reserved a DS license plate, says Fetzer. The reasons why road users have opted for the DS license plate are varied. “For the older people, it’s actually about the DS, about identifying with the license plate,” says Frank Fetzer. Many younger people, on the other hand, don’t really care about the DS. They’re interested in a new, short combination that no longer exists with the VS license plates.

It will look something like this: Niko Reith (FDP) and district administrator Sven Hinterseh (CDU) after the vote for the reintroduction of the old Donaueschinger license plate DS in the district council.

District Office Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis

Unity or division?

The Schwarzwald-Baar district administration hopes that the sense of community in the district will remain intact – even when the first DS license plates are on the streets from mid-September. Frank Fetzer is not really worried about a split, however, “because it has been the case for several years now that a vehicle no longer has to be re-registered when you change your place of residence. In this respect, there is already a mix of license plates.”

Is the old Villingen license plate VL coming back?

In the past, cars in Schwenningen had the Rottweiler RW license plate. Vehicles in Villingen had the VL license plate. That was before the unification of the two cities of Villingen and Schwenningen and before the district reform that created the Schwarzwald-Baar district in 1973.

However, there is no need to worry that Villingen is now planning to put its old license plate back on the streets in a new version. The VL license plate was abolished before the district was founded, when the towns were merged in 1972. “That’s why VS existed before the Schwarzwald-Baar district was created, and so VL is not a license plate that can be reintroduced,” says Fetzer. Only license plates that were issued immediately before the district reform can be reintroduced.