
topicnews · September 3, 2024

Broadcast – Real Life: All in – Dave’s start as a musician on Tue, 03.09.2024

Broadcast – Real Life: All in – Dave’s start as a musician on Tue, 03.09.2024

Am I living my life’s dream? David, 34, quits a secure job at a medium-sized company after 17 years to become a musician. At first he keeps himself afloat as a bar singer and beer deliveryman. But without any savings, he begins to doubt his talent and his decision. He manages to record his first album. Will it bring him the success he longs for?

How far do you go to follow your life’s dream? David (34) has worked in the industry for half his life. But his dream is to be a musician. Now he’s making a cut. He’s quitting his job: “I want to make music and be able to make a living from it.”

Under his stage name Dave Collide, he pulls out all the stops to make his dream come true. As a solo musician, he goes to bars, delivers beer crates to pay his rent, and tirelessly collects social media followers. Was it the right thing to give up his secure job? Isn’t he already too old to start in the music business?

He has no savings and is plagued by doubts about whether he has enough talent. Encouraged by his part-time job as a backline singer for the band “Antiheld”, he realises what really counts for him: being able to inspire the people in front of the stage. He goes “all in” and records his first album. Will this bring the longed-for success? Film by Matthias Müller