
topicnews · September 3, 2024

After a breakup: When should you start using dating apps?

After a breakup: When should you start using dating apps?

A relationship is over – but when is the right time to start looking again? There is no general answer or rule for this. “Only the person themselves can perceive this,” says psychologist and dating coach Guido Gebauer. The crucial question is whether you feel ready for it.

That doesn’t mean that you have to completely forget your ex. But, says Gebauer, you should have the resources to get involved with another person. You should have freed yourself to a certain extent from feelings like sadness, anger or annoyance.

Some people are ready for something new very quickly. “Especially if the separation was motivated by mutual reasons,” explains the psychologist. This can also be the case if you have been toying with the idea of ​​separation for a long time or if you know exactly what kind of relationship you are looking for.