
topicnews · September 3, 2024

Live chat: How healthy is a vegan/vegetarian diet? | – Television – Shows AZ

Live chat: How healthy is a vegan/vegetarian diet? | – Television – Shows AZ

Status: 03.09.2024 00:00

Is a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle really healthier? What should you bear in mind when eating a meat-free diet? That’s what the live chat with Dr. Julia Fischer and nutritionist Viola Andresen on September 5th is about.

Avoid meat or animal products altogether? This trend is growing year after year. Many people do this for ethical and/or health reasons. But is avoiding meat, is a vegan diet really healthy? How should meat substitutes be assessed? Some nutrients can only be found in tiny amounts in grains, fruit and vegetables – are nutritional supplements necessary? What should you look out for?

What questions do you have about vegetarian and vegan nutrition? What would you like to know about micronutrients or nutritional supplements? Thank you so much for your many questions! Nutrition doctor Viola Andresen answered them together with Dr. Julia Fischer on September 5th in the livestream at ARD HEALTH on YouTube.

This topic in the program:

ARD Gesund | The Nutrition Docs | 05.09.2024 | 18:00