
topicnews · September 2, 2024

Two years after the death of trans man Malte C.: Commemoration in Münster – Westphalia-Lippe – News

Two years after the death of trans man Malte C.: Commemoration in Münster – Westphalia-Lippe – News

People lay down white and red roses. They remain silent for a minute. It is a moment of exchange and remembrance. Dying Community of gays, lesbians, queer and trans people in Münster are coming together. Even two years after the attack, the horror is still great. Deep sadness and dismay can be felt.

Civil courage cost Malte C. his life

The alliance against queer and transphobia has called for a rally in the city center of Münster. Participants here, for example, once again highlighted the courage of 25-year-old Malte C. He intervened at Christopher Street Day in Münster when a 20-year-old man verbally attacked two lesbian women. The 20-year-old then attacked Malte C. and knocked him to the ground. Malte C. suffered such severe injuries that he died a few days later as a result.

Fear of violence

Many people live in fear of becoming victims of violence because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, says the KCM Schwulenzentrum Münster. In this respect, the commemoration of Malte C. is about more than an isolated case. Queer and transphobia cost human lives.

is in prison

The 20-year-old who gave Malte C. the heavy punch that followed is now serving a 5-year prison sentence. The Münster Regional Court had convicted him in 2023 of bodily harm resulting in death. The perpetrator stated that he himself was homosexual. The court did not classify him as fundamentally homophobic, anti-queer or anti-trans.

Support from the city

The Office for Equal Opportunities of the City of Münster is pleased that there is still a public memorial to Malte C. Office manager Markus Chmielorz says: “If committed people from the community come together and create a memorial to this terrible incident, then we can fully embrace and support this commitment in the interests of the city’s society.

Our sources:

  • WDR-Reporter on site
  • KCM Gay Center Münster

The WDR will also report on this topic on the radio on WDR 2 on January 13, 2023.