
topicnews · September 2, 2024

Gomita por fin se reencuentra cara a cara with Cecilia Galliano: queda al borde las grágrimas y hace fuerte declaración | Shows great

Gomita por fin se reencuentra cara a cara with Cecilia Galliano: queda al borde las grágrimas y hace fuerte declaración | Shows great

The Sexta elimination of La Casa de los Famosos México I traveled to Cabo on September 1st and nominated for having cast very few votes GomitaQuien a los pocos minutos de su salida, It was revived by Cecilia Galliano.

The conductors, who were among the differences that had put Argentina to the test during the Tuviere investigation when their brothers entered into a compromise ring, señaló Vieron cara a cara en la post gala de ViX.

Galliano presented and received Gomita together with Mauricio Garza to great applause and much praise.

“The moment we had to eliminate our Sexta was because after the Gala I was in Gomita bienvenida… What happened? Tantos años… Breathe easy… The wine is served until next time,” said Argentine A Abrazo to the Sexta Eliminanda.

“Qué se dijeron Gomita y Cecilia Galliano al verse cara a cara?”

With an emotional feeling, Cecilia Galliano and Gomita conclude that they enjoy life at La Casa de los Famosos México.

“I had an experience there, but that was not all. It became rare until I managed it and then I forgot it again. Not much (se olvida la cara de las personas), but it is rarito. I am sure “Un poco las voces, las caras las tengo presentes, las voces de my mamá y de mis hermanos sí las olvidé,” he said Araceli Ordaz, the true name of the eliminated gender.

Picture TelevisionUnivision

Gomita se abraza with Cecilia Galliano tras pleito

The sculpture continues and Gomita reveals to Cecilia Galliano that she wanted to develop a planned strategy, but it had no function.

“It’s a tried and tested experiment, a strategy that leads to a reality that I don’t like, or what I didn’t want, but I wanted a revolution of everything, but like Gali ‘Is this wrong?’, maybe, ‘I want to know what I have to do,'” he says.

The moment was more emotional and when I took Gomita to the limit of the gods, when Cecilia Galliano received from the feeling when she followed the reality show.

The Expayasita stated that she was “doing the best she could with the head she needed” and that she still had much “nothing to worry about.”

“I don’t care what it cost me… So much money, I don’t care what it cost me.” “I can’t wait to surround myself and make myself feel very good,” he said in his voice.

Gomita informed me that I was focused on everything I had to live and that I was about to be near La Casa de los Famosos México and that it was safe to say that I was about to do so.

“I was so excited that I had a lot of joy that day when I went up to the heights, thinking about Gods who were no longer toxic to me and making comments that I could not hear alone, but I asked my other colleagues,” aseguró.

Gomita se conmovió other vez casi hasta las grimas y destacó que Mariana dijo ella sería mentirosa, but aguantó muchas cosas que no estaba de acuerdo.

“No aguanté tanto, hice lo que pude, me voy quieta porque Mariana decía que yo iba a ser bien mental and traicionera… El cuarto estaba bien fracturado… Había cosas que no estoy de acuerdo… Había cosas que no, pero hice lo That can I say with the word that I like.

Before Gomita’s first statements, Cecilia Galliano reacted and agreed with her with a clear recommendation.

“Goma has a story of her own, I think I became a pure man, I lost the apocalypses, remained faithful to Ricardo, I thought that a woman was not capable of killing her … I don’t know what to do, I ask for advice, but no I know about the Chiquitas, well, since I don’t call her with anyone, well, and only a few years with the story you know, you have been wrong for a long time, and you know that of so many things like a woman she has gone through you like the mother mucho más”, indicated.

ViX’s 24/7 coverage lets you keep up with everything you spend at La Casa de los Famosos México when you’re there. Offers full tests, nominations, eliminations, celebrations and much more content, one by one on ViX. Everything that happened is La Casa de los Famosos México, ViX.