
topicnews · September 2, 2024

China: “The European Union has no right to point the finger at this issue,” criticizes China

China: “The European Union has no right to point the finger at this issue,” criticizes China

China is calling on the European Union (EU) to exercise restraint in the dispute over the South China Sea. “The European Union is not a party to the South China Sea issue and has no right to point fingers on this issue,” a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.

The statement followed an EU statement on an incident between Chinese and Filipino ships last weekend. The Chinese mission to the EU said it was “extremely dissatisfied” with the accusations from Brussels. “We call on the EU to be objective and fair in this matter and to carefully consider its words and actions.”

In a statement on Sunday, the EU condemned the actions of Chinese coast guard ships against legitimate Philippine naval operations in the South China Sea. China has claimed a large part of the sea area for itself, which is leading to tensions with other neighboring countries.

The waters are of enormous importance for international shipping, with goods worth around three billion dollars being transported through them every year. Oil and natural gas deposits are also suspected in some parts of the sea area, which is known for its fishing grounds.