
topicnews · September 2, 2024

BFK Vöcklabruck: 14th Federal Fire Brigade Competition in Vorarlberg

BFK Vöcklabruck: 14th Federal Fire Brigade Competition in Vorarlberg

National victory for Redleiten and podium places for Rutzenmoos, Redleiten and Manning

From August 30th to September 1st, 2024, the 14th Federal Fire Brigade Competition and the 2nd VLV Federal Fire Brigade Cup were held in Feldkirch-Gisingen. 412 groups consisting of over 4,000 firefighters from all over Austria, France, Slovenia, Liechtenstein, South Tyrol and Germany take part in the Federal Fire Brigade Competition, which takes place every four years, and compete to determine the fastest fire brigades in Austria.

Not only was the weather very hot in the Waldstadion in Feldkirch-Ginsingen, there was also a lot of competition on the advertising tracks and in the relay race for the coveted podium places. The advertising groups from the Vöcklabruck district were once again able to achieve a remarkable result.

  • In the bronze ranking, the Rutzenmoos 3 competition group (422.64 points) achieved second place behind Bad Mühllacken 1 (423.62 points) and ahead of St. Martin im Mühlkreis 1 (422.22 points). Zwettl an der Rodl (421.04 points) and Schweinsegg-Zehetner 1 (419.09 points) achieved the other rankings.
  • In the Bronze B category, the competition group Redleiten 1 (433.97 points) achieved the national victory ahead of Weigelsdorf 2 NÖ (426.69 points) and Reichenfels/St. Peter 1 KT (426.36 points).
  • In the Silver B ranking, Redleiten 1 (423.60 points) achieved 2nd place and Manning 1 (423.33 points) achieved 3rd place behind Weeg OÖ (430.30 points).

District fire brigade commander Wolfgang Hufnagl: “To be successful in the fire brigade competition, you need trust, community and camaraderie. To qualify for the federal fire brigade competition in Upper Austria, you also need a lot of ambition, perseverance and top sporting performance!” To be successful in the federal competition is to fulfill all the necessary requirements, but above all to live together. I am very proud of the achievements of our competition groups in the federal fire brigade competition!”

At the 2nd VLV Federal Fire Cup, which was held the evening after the Federal Fire Brigade Competition, Redleiten achieved 1st place.

Source: BFK Vöcklabruck, HBI dF August Thalhammer