
topicnews · September 1, 2024

Before CSD: Rainbow flag torn from town hall

Before CSD: Rainbow flag torn from town hall

A rainbow flag hangs on the town hall in Burgdorf before Christopher Street Day. Two unknown people tear down the flag and burn it. The police are investigating for incitement.

Two unknown people tore down and burned a rainbow flag that had been hoisted in the Hanover region. The flag was hanging in front of the town hall in Burgdorf before today’s Christopher Street Day (CSD), police said. A 44-year-old man who is part of the CSD event team threatened the two attackers, after which the duo fled.

Unknown people had previously attracted attention through anti-queer statements

According to current information, employees of the event organizers dismantled parts of the stage and technical equipment on Saturday night and guarded these structures. Then the two unknown men appeared, who, according to the police, initially made anti-queer comments and then disappeared. Shortly afterwards, the men returned, tore down the rainbow flag and burned it.

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The police are now investigating the unknown suspects on suspicion of incitement. The 44-year-old member of the event team is also being investigated for threatening behavior. (dpa/mp)