
topicnews · September 1, 2024

Unemployment falls slightly in Plettenberg in August, but rises slightly in Herscheid

Unemployment falls slightly in Plettenberg in August, but rises slightly in Herscheid

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  2. Lennetal
  3. Plettenberg

While unemployment figures in Plettenberg and Herscheid have remained relatively stable, there has been an increase across the district. DPA © dpa

Despite the general increase in unemployment in the Märkischer Kreis, Plettenberg recorded a disadvantage. In Herscheid, however, the number of unemployed is increasing. The experts remain cautious with their forecasts.

Plettenberg/Herscheid – According to the employment agency, a weakening economy and low dynamism are also causing unemployment figures to rise in the Märkischer Kreis in August. There was a slight increase in Herscheid, while in Plettenberg the number of unemployed has even fallen slightly.

“Fortunately, the increase in unemployment this month is lower than in the previous month. Most people registered as unemployed after completing their further training/language courses or school, and fewer people lost their jobs,” said employment agency head Sandra Pawlas. Unemployment across the district was around 12 percent higher than in August last year, which shows that the situation on the labor market remains tense.

Unemployment in Plettenberg: easier to cope with

In Plettenberg, 1,079 people were unemployed in August – two fewer than in the previous month. However, the number of people registered as unemployed in Plettenberg increased by 195 compared to August last year. Among those currently registered as unemployed in August, there were 433 women and 646 men.

Unemployment in the local agency district – which includes Plettenberg, Werdohl, Altena and Neuenrade – was 8.7 percent in August (August 2023: 7.3 percent).

Unemployment in Herscheid: Increase in August

Herscheid, on the other hand, was in line with the district-wide trend in August: 213 people were without a job here – seven more than in the previous month. Compared to August of the previous year, the number of unemployed people rose by 47 people. Among the people currently listed in the unemployment statistics of the Federal Employment Agency are 97 women and 116 men.

Unemployment for this agency district – which includes Herscheid, Lüdenscheid, Halver, Schalksmühle, Kierspe and Meinerzhagen – was 8 percent in August (August 2023: 7.2 percent).

“The outlook for the labor market in the coming months remains cautious. Signs of an autumn upturn and a recovery of the labor market are still pending,” says labor market expert Sandra Pawlas.