
topicnews · September 1, 2024

Zugspitze remains frost-free for the first time in August – “Never seen before”

Zugspitze remains frost-free for the first time in August – “Never seen before”

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There was not a single day of frost on the Zugspitze in August 2024. Something that has never happened since weather records began. © IMAGO/Joeran Steinsiek

Something like this has never happened before: There will not have been a single day of frost on the Zugspitze in August 2024.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – Germany’s highest mountain recorded a sad record this August: never since weather records began in 1900 had there been a frost-free August on the Zugspitze. This trend will probably end in 2024 – which can already be said before the end of the month. As an expert from the German Weather Service explains to our editorial team, the lowest temperature on the Zugspitze in August 2024 was just 1.8 degrees – plus.

For the first time since weather records began: Zugspitze remains frost-free in August

“There has not been a single day of frost on the Zugspitze this August, and we are not expecting one in the last two days of August.” “Since records from 1900 to today, this has never happened in August,” the spokesman continues. The constant warming caused by climate change is something that can be tolerated on the Zugspitze, for example due to the progressive demise of the northern Schneeferner glacier.

The Schneeferner glacier, photographed in 2020.
The Schneeferner glacier, photographed in 2020. © IMAGO/Martin Hangen

(By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular GAP newsletter.)

Sad record on the Zugspitze: First frost-free August

Man-made geothermal energy is already changing the climate and, according to the unanimous opinion of scientists such as Gudrun Mühlbacher from the DWD, will continue to do so. In Munich and the region, the climate could be like it is now in southeastern Europe or the French Mediterranean coast within this century. Many people in Bavaria found the summer this year to be wet and cool – but globally, last June was the hottest June ever.