
topicnews · August 31, 2024

The ADFC calls for participation in a survey

The ADFC calls for participation in a survey

After two years, the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC) is once again calling for participation in the bicycle climate test. From the beginning of September to the end of November, interested parties can take part in an online survey and submit their opinion on the conditions of cycling in their home town or community. The results will lead to a nationwide quality comparison and, in the organizers’ view, should ideally also lead to local improvements.

What is it about?

The ADFC is calling on cyclists to incorporate their everyday experiences into the cycling climate test. The results of the survey are intended to help identify the strengths and weaknesses in cycling promotion in order to then be able to encourage improvements. The ADFC is conducting the test for the eleventh time. The club itself, which is considered to represent the interests of cyclists, describes it as the “satisfaction index of cyclists throughout Germany”. According to the information, around 245,000 people took part in the last round. The result is a meaningful ranking of the most bicycle-friendly cities and communities in several size categories.

What will I be asked?

As in previous years, the survey consists of 27 consistent questions. These include questions such as whether people feel safe on their bikes or how inviting the cycle paths are. This year there are additional questions about how cyclists interact in traffic. This is about how cyclists perceive the behavior of other road users.

How can I participate?

Participation is possible from September 1st to November 30th at The ADFC hopes for a large number of participants in order to increase the validity of the test. The results from previous years can be viewed at The results will be presented in Berlin in spring 2025.

What have the results been in the past?

In the most recent survey two years ago, Bremen was once again ranked first among cities with over 500,000 inhabitants, with a score of 3.6. In the Osterholz district, the district towns of Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Ritterhude, Lilienthal, Grasberg and Worpswede were ranked in the middle of the field compared to the rest of the state. Worpswede fared poorly, coming in 53rd place out of 55 Lower Saxony municipalities that made it into the rankings. In order to be listed, a minimum number of questionnaires must be submitted per municipality.

What is the point?

The ADFC hopes that the test results will help identify problems in order to make improvements in the next step. In the Osterholz region, however, people are skeptical that anything can really change for the benefit of cyclists. Jörg Kappmeyer, chairman of the ADFC Osterholz, is cautious when asked and points out the lengthy processes that are needed to make progress in traffic issues. However, he hopes that many people will take part in the cycling climate test. The so-called free text fields in particular, in which participants could enter their own thoughts on the situation of cyclists after answering the individual questions, were helpful in getting an idea of ​​where cyclists would like to see changes.

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