
topicnews · August 31, 2024

Working out for a good cause: Charity Fitness Day goes into the second round

Working out for a good cause: Charity Fitness Day goes into the second round

On Saturday, September 28th, it’s time to put on your trainers and get sweaty! Zeltweg resident Manfred Paul Repp is inviting people to the second “Charity Fitness Day” in the Zeltweg sports hall. The proceeds will go to charitable causes in the region.

MURTAL. Anyone who has ever dedicated to charitable purposes and has seen the smiles on the faces of those who were helped, becomes a “repeat offender” in the positive sense. One of these people is the Zeltweger Manfred Paul ReppLast year, the committed benefactor organized a large charity fitness day in the Fohnsdorf sports hall and collected money for three seriously ill children from the Murtal.

“Movement for a good cause”

On 28 September he presents himself again in the service of good things. At the Zeltweg sports centre he is once again organising a charity fitness day – this time the proceeds will go to Zeltweg school childrenwho need help and to the 22-year-old David from Judenburgthe spastic tetraparesis Suffers. Repp himself has experienced first-hand what it feels like to be dependent on help. “I had a serious accident years ago, fought my way out of a wheelchair and had to relearn many things that were previously second nature to me. In order to regain my coordination and balance, I started doing Zumba,” he says.

Various workouts

He has also used his contacts for this year’s event and has managed to attract not only many sponsors but also top-class fitness instructors who will make the participants sweat. The sports program is packed with activities such as Zumba, Pilates, yoga, a kickboxing workout and much more. It starts at 10 a.m. “Some of the trainers like Veronica Hütter, Licia Castello-Pripf or Tam Le Steiger come from the Murtal – others travel from Carinthia, Lower Austria or southern Styria,” says Repp. But they all have one thing in common – they offer their services free of charge.

Sweat, have fun and do good: On September 28th there will be another opportunity to do so. | Photo: Private photo

And while mom and dad hopefully burn lots of calories and Have funThe kids will also be well entertained. There is a special children’s program for them. Snacks, drinks, cakes and a large tombola await the participants. The Day ticket is available in advance for 20 eurosAm Event day for 22 euros Admission is free for children! Further information and tickets are available directly from Manfred Paul Repp by email: [email protected]

Donation account

If you cannot attend due to time or scheduling reasons but would still like to help, you can contact Manfred Paul Repps Idea with a small Support donation: Raiffeisenbank, IBAN: AT65 3834 6000 1100 7432, password: “Charity Fitness Day”.

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