
topicnews · August 31, 2024

9 tips to help you have fun even faster

9 tips to help you have fun even faster

Before Kay and Nix can embark on their raid across the galaxy, you'll need to do some research.

Before Kay and Nix can embark on their raid across the galaxy, you’ll need to do some research.

Star Wars Outlaws can feel a bit awkward, especially at the beginning. This only gets better after a while, when all the game mechanics really work together. To ensure that you have fun in a galaxy far, far away as early as possible, we have smuggled a few tips for you through the Outer Rim.

By the way, do you want the best settings for outlaws in terms of graphics, controls, HDR etc., click here:

1. Actively seek out new skills

Unlike many other open-world games, you don’t gain experience in Outlaws. Instead, you gain allies over time who will teach you new skills if you complete certain challenges or have materials. And it’s worth taking care of those affected.

Most skills you unlock casually, others you have to force a bit. For example, you should kill enemies while you only have one life bar or kill enemies with the blaster while they are distracted by Nix. Other skills require materials. These are marked on the map as soon as you can unlock the skill.

2. Improve the speeder as early as possible

Speeder upgrades make a huge difference. Even the first handling upgrade works wonders.
Speeder upgrades make a huge difference. Even the first handling upgrade works wonders.

Speeder upgrades make a huge difference. Even the first handling upgrade works wonders.

On the first planet, your new ship comes with a useful speeder. However, it is horribly difficult to control and you will definitely end up hanging on the next rock face more often than you would like.

So invest in a control upgrade. Even the first level of improvement makes driving the speeder a lot more pleasant.

3. Travel to Tatooine first

On Tatooine you get a better Star Wars feeling, story and upgrades.
On Tatooine you get a better Star Wars feeling, story and upgrades.

On Tatooine you get a better Star Wars feeling, story and upgrades.

After completing the first planet, you can choose where you want to go next. The game also recommends Kijimi to travel to continue your adventure. We see it differently.

It’s better to choose Tatooine as your second destination. On the one hand, the story is better here because Kijimi slows down the pace of the story. On the other hand, you also unlock more allies with useful skills.

4. Maximizes the reputation of a syndicate

On the first planet you have to choose between the favor of the Pyke Syndicates and Purple Dawn Decide. The decision is not permanent and it is easy to get both factions on your side, but you should go all-in with one of them right away. Each faction has an excellent armor set and many other advantages that we will explain in more detail in another guide.

5. Loot everything you see

Be sure to take every crate with you. Here we were able to upgrade our blaster after our little raid.
Be sure to take every crate with you. Here we were able to upgrade our blaster after our little raid.

Be sure to take every crate with you. Here we were able to upgrade our blaster after our little raid.

You should basically take everything you can with you. Especially if you are traveling in enemy bases or imperial bases. Items that you need to improve your equipment are often hidden here.

You will also often come across useful information. This triggers quests, gives clues to important items or can be exchanged for reputation with factions.

6. Change your equipment depending on the situation

Many pieces of armor in Star Wars Outlaws have useful abilities or set bonuses. Try to have a suitable clothing set for every occasion.

If you want to break into a base quietly, use armor pieces that improve your stealth. If it comes to combat, wear clothes with a little more oomph. But remember that you cannot change mittens in combat.

7. Talk to all dealers

Faction traders in particular always have something interesting to offer if you have the right reputation.
Faction traders in particular always have something interesting to offer if you have the right reputation.

Faction traders in particular always have something interesting to offer if you have the right reputation.

You should basically talk to anyone who has items: traders, scrap collectors or agents of the individual cartels. Many special goods are on offer if you are allied with the seller’s syndicate. These include special armor, but also talismans or items for skills.

8. Change your ship’s weapons

As soon as you can customize your ship, you should change your laser. The normal lasers are stronger, but they have a habit of pulling uninvolved ships into the fight or hitting allies in chaotic battles.

That’s why we recommend the second quick-fire cannons. They automatically visualize your targets and all shots hit.

9. Use Nix for a double switch-off

Nix later gains the ability to distract multiple enemies. But with our trick you never actually need to do that.
Nix later gains the ability to distract multiple enemies. But with our trick you never actually need to do that.

Nix later gains the ability to distract multiple enemies. But with our trick you never actually need to do that.

You will often find yourself in a situation where two enemies are blocking your path. You can block one and take out both individually, but this is often risky, especially when there are other enemies nearby.

So sneak as close as possible and send Nix to attack an enemy. The second one will turn towards the scene and you can knock him down. Then take out Nix’s enemy.

This way you can avoid an alarm even if there are two enemies.