
topicnews · August 30, 2024

Even Samsung can’t keep up

Even Samsung can’t keep up

The smartwatch market continues to be dominated by Apple: New figures for the second quarter of 2024 show that the iPhone manufacturer is the undisputed leader with a market share of 49 percent – and Samsung follows in second place by a large margin.

Before Samsung: Apple dominates smartwatch market

In the world of smartwatches, Apple is the clear leader, while Samsung lags behind despite all its effortsThe sales figures for the second quarter of 2024 speak volumes, as an analysis by market researchers at Canalys shows.

With a 49 percent market share, Apple has captured almost half of the global smartwatch market. Samsung followed in second place with 15 percent of all sales. Or to put it another way: Apple sold more than three times as many smartwatches like the South Korean competitor.

Garmin, Huawei and Google follow in the next placesBetween April and June 2024, 11 percent of smartwatch buyers opted for a watch from Garmin, 7 percent went for Huawei. 4 percent of buyers bought a Pixel Watch from Google.

Things are different with fitness trackers – also because Apple is not involved in this category. Here Xiaomi clearly dominates with a market share of 40 percentfollowed by Huawei with 23 percent. In third to fifth place are Google, Samsung and the former Huawei subsidiary Honor (source: Canalys).

Samsung continues to fall behind in wearables

If you look at the entire wearables market, which includes smartwatches as well as simpler fitness trackers and “basic watches,” things look even worse for Samsung. Here, the company ranks only fourth with a market share of 6.4 percentApple also leads this statistic with 17.4 percent, followed by Huawei and Xiaomi. Samsung also needs to strengthen itself in order not to lose further ground in the wearables segment.

This is what we think of Samsung’s current smartwatch generation:

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