
topicnews · August 30, 2024

Starting training in the Ostalb region: challenges and opportunities

Starting training in the Ostalb region: challenges and opportunities

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There are still vacancies for apprenticeships in the Ostalb region at the start of training. 134 in construction alone. © IG Bau Tobias Seifert

There are still vacancies at the start of the training year. How companies were still able to fill their places.

Ostalb district. The diploma is in your pocket. Relaxing on holiday. Then the starting signal is given for a new phase in your life: at the beginning of September, many young people begin their new vocational training. Overall, young people are having it better than ever: there are many more vacancies than applicants. The door to an apprenticeship is still open.

Achieve a lot with great will

Paula Brenner is currently able to pursue her dream job. She is training to be an industrial clerk at Netze ODR GmbH in Ellwangen and will be in her third year of training from September 1st. “I was very nervous on the first day of my apprenticeship,” says the 19-year-old. “We were introduced to the company and we got to know everyone else.” From the very beginning, the company’s trainees meet during their lunch break and talk about their working day. The nervousness quickly faded. “I enjoy organizing and being in contact with customers,” she says of her job. “As an industrial clerk, you are extremely versatile and have good future prospects.” You get to know a company practically and can achieve a lot with great determination.”

Large supply, low demand

Netze ODR GmbH was able to fill all of its free training and study places again this year. But that was not easy. “Of course, it should be noted that the number of applicants is decreasing,” reports training manager Philipp Lechner. Figures from the Federal Employment Agency confirm that this year there are significantly more vacant training places than applicants. “The gap has widened considerably in recent years,” says press spokesman Sascha Kurz from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). Although the new training year has begun, there are still vacancies in the Ostalbkreis: 134 young people are looking for work in the construction sector, according to the Industrial Union Building-Agriculture-Environment. The Ulm Chamber of Crafts reports 142 unfilled apprenticeships in the crafts sector. In total, the Federal Employment Agency recorded 1,450 unfilled vocational training places for the East Württemberg region (Ostalbkreis and Heidenheim) as of August.

Upswing in the hotel and restaurant industry

According to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the development in the hotel and catering industry is encouraging. Nathalie Kasper, Room Division Manager, at the Hotel am Remspark in Schwäbisch Gmünd also speaks of a “turnaround in the hotel and catering industry”. “After Corona, the market was completely empty,” says Kasper. Now the number of applicants is rising again. “The hotel and catering industry has certainly struggled with the general personnel situation in recent years,” says Kasper. She describes the recipe for success of the Gmünd hotel: “We have to welcome young people who are interested right from the start and train them in such a way that they don’t lose the fun of the hotel industry.”

Internship as a stepping stone

The companies from the Ostalb region that were contacted by this editorial team were able to fill almost all of their training and study places. How did they manage that? “Student internships, school cooperations, social media,” says Susanne Siebel of Gmünder Weleda AG, for example. The Hermann Fuchs construction company based in Ellwangen is also “active in the training place exchanges.” Paula Brenner also completed an internship at her current company, which was also a springboard for her training. They are now looking forward to their time at Netze ODR once she has passed her exams.

How the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Employment Agency support young people and companies

Training and study fairs, Organized by the Employment Agency, SDZ Druck und Medien, the District Office and the cities of Aalen, Ellwangen and Schwäbisch Gmünd: Here, interested parties can come into direct contact with companies every year and exchange information about their training occupations.

Career Information Center of the Employment Agency: Training occupations are presented in various series of events.

IHK training center in Aalen: In a large, modern training workshop, eleven experienced trainers are currently training a total of 83 apprentices in the metal and electrical sectors. “Smaller companies that do not have their own training workshop thus have the opportunity to train,” says IHK press spokesman Sascha Kurz.