
topicnews · August 29, 2024

Jason Wilson shares 3 mental health tips for black men in 2024

Jason Wilson shares 3 mental health tips for black men in 2024

Jason Wilson is a prolific author who has found his niche in educating young men, teaching the next generation of men how to love and value themselves, and the path of life in general.

At the premiere of The ForgeWilson and his daughter Alexis Wilson spoke with roll out about men’s mental health and the film.

YouTube video

What are you looking forward to in this film?

Jason Wilson: For me, because I have been working with boys since 2003, teaching, training and changing them, [I’m looking forward] to see how the story develops.

When I saw the trailer, I was deeply moved because this is something I have long wanted to see in our churches, a mentor who is diligently caring for a young man. So I am excited to see how the story unfolds and even more excited to see this message get out into the world so that more men can take on the responsibility of being a light in a dark world for a young man and leading him to Christ.

Alexis Wilson: To be honest, I can only confirm everything you said.

I love films that have a profound impact. I believe that films have the power to make people feel, see and sense things.

When films are used as a vehicle to spread a strong message, that’s what I like best, so I’m looking forward to it.

Jason, what are three mental health tips for young men in 2024?

Jason Wilson: Wow, that’s good.

The first thing I tell my boys is that it’s OK to make mistakes. Often they judge themselves just because they tried and failed. So I tell them: embrace the mistake. Mistakes are great teachers if we allow them to teach us something.

#2 is that they are good enough. Often they try to be older than they are and therefore can never truly identify with their 6-year-old or 8-year-old selves. As a side effect, they end up not being able to make the most of the moment and then make detrimental decisions. So #2 would naturally be to believe that they are good enough.

No. 3, the most important thing, is to make sure you are walking the narrow path that leads to life. I am a believer and have not always been a follower of Christ. Before 1997, when I surrendered my life to the Lord, I was the exact opposite. I can say without question that without His light to guide me, I would still be lost. So that would actually be No. 1 if I had to give them a command, but make sure they are aligning their lives with the will of the Most High.