
topicnews · August 29, 2024

Fire and Life Safety Services Offers RAs for Fire Safety Academy — Syracuse University News

Fire and Life Safety Services Offers RAs for Fire Safety Academy — Syracuse University News

Fire and Life Safety Services (FLSS) led the university’s Resident Advisors (RAs) through a fire safety academy before the fall semester. Throughout the day, participants rotated between various stations where they learned important information and skills related to fire safety.

“The goal of the Fire Safety Academy is to provide RAs with information and responsibilities related to fire safety in a hands-on and interactive learning environment. They can then convey the fire safety information to their fellow students at their respective floor meetings,” says John Rossiter, manager of the FLSS.

A dorm counselor uses a fire extinguisher during fire safety academy.

The stations included learning the history of FLSS and fire prevention measures, walking through a smoke-filled hallway, using a fire extinguisher, and best practices in the event of a fire.

The group concluded the academy with a demonstration of two recreated dorm rooms where a fire had broken out. In one of the rooms, they demonstrated how the sprinkler system activates and brings the fire under control. In the other room, they demonstrated what happens in a room without a sprinkler system. At Syracuse University, every dorm has a sprinkler system.

“Student Living, Fire and Life Safety and the Syracuse Fire Department have been conducting this training for several years. While I hope our community never experiences a large-scale fire, it is a reality we must be prepared for and education is the best way to protect our communities,” says Rossiter. “This collaboration allows our team to experience simulated aspects of a fire emergency and practice fire safety in a controlled and safe environment, which is a rare opportunity. Ultimately, this awareness will benefit our team members even after their time at Syracuse University and I think it’s so important to recognize that.”

Firefighters extinguish a fire during an exercise

FLSS, with assistance from Syracuse Fire, conducts a simulated fire in a dormitory.

In addition to Student Housing, Fire and Life Saving Services and the Syracuse Fire Department, the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control, Syracuse University facilities, and ABJ’s sprinkler and parking and transportation services also assisted throughout the day.