
topicnews · August 29, 2024

August 2024 Admission examination for food technologists

August 2024 Admission examination for food technologists

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PRESS RELEASE: The Professional Regulation Commission announces that 510 out of 995 have passed the exam

The following is a press release from the Professional Regulation Commission.

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 510 out of 995 individuals passed the Food Technologist Licensing Examination to be held by the Board of Food Technology in the National Capital Region, Baguio, Cebu and Davao in August 2024.

The members of the Board of Food Technology who administered the licensing examination are the Honorable Anthony C. Sales, Chairman, and the Honorable Remedios V. Baclig, Member.

The results were announced two working days after the last day of the exam.

Starting October 14, 2024, registration for the issuance of a Professional Identification Card (ID) and Registration Certificate will be done online. Please go to and follow the instructions for initial registration. Those who wish to register must bring the following: downloaded, duly completed Oath Form or Panunumpa ng Propesyonal, Letter of Acceptance (for identification only), two passport-sized photographs (colored with white background and full name tag), two sets of document stamps, and a short brown envelope. Successful examinees should register in person and enlist in the list of registered professionals.

The date and venue of the swearing-in ceremony for the new successful candidates of the said examination will be announced later.

The best performing schools in the entrance examination for food technologists in August 2024 according to Commission Decision No 1814, 2024 series:

The successful candidates who achieved the top 10 places in August 2024
The admission exams for food technologists are as follows:

You can view the full results here:
