
topicnews · August 29, 2024

Heated debate paralyzes discussion of Albany County airport plan amid leadership shakeup

Heated debate paralyzes discussion of Albany County airport plan amid leadership shakeup

Heated discussions broke out during a committee meeting of the Albany County Legislature and ended abruptly on Wednesday evening.

The Public Transportation Committee met to approve the Albany County Airport Authority’s five-year, $283 million capital-raising plan, but things escalated when lawmakers sought to ask the Airport Authority board questions about its decision to cut ties with the airport’s current CEO, Phil Calderone.

Committee Chair Alison McLean-Lane did not want to allow this, as overseeing another independent public authority was not up to her duties as a district representative.

“It is not our jurisdiction, nor the jurisdiction of any other agency, to oversee their hiring and employment practices,” McLean-Lane said. “They are subject to the same legislative authority as any other state and local agency.”

The committee approved the capital plan by a vote of 4 to 3 before abruptly ending the meeting without further discussion.

“We have a clear role that begins and ends with the capital plan, approval and appointment of board members,” McLean-Lane said.

The members of the airport board are ultimately appointed by the Albany County Council and Legislature.

“The questions these people asked were simply an attempt to gain exposure and contribute to the media circus that surrounds this issue. This is unfortunate because we have had a board that has operated for years without controversy,” McLean-Lane said.

However, some committee members felt that the vote on the capital plan was rushed and that questions and discussion should have been allowed.

“People, including myself, had questions. I thought we would have a meaningful conversation,” said Albany County Assemblyman Sam Fein. “This was an opportunity we have every five years, and it’s an important commitment for us.”

“But there was a rush to get a vote on it before we looked at the plan and asked questions,” he added.

Fein believes discussions about the airport’s management are relevant to the agency’s five-year plan.

“This person will implement the capital plan,” he said.

The airport authority’s board sent a letter to the county government saying it had rejected efforts to speak with Calderone about how to proceed.

“The relationship between the Board and Mr. Calderone has been strained over the years and many related factors played a role in the Board’s unanimous decision not to renew Mr. Calderone’s contract,” the letter said.