
topicnews · August 28, 2024

Layoff warning ’24: Deloitte scares its employees with business update meetings

Layoff warning ’24: Deloitte scares its employees with business update meetings

Someone brought to our attention earlier that quite a few people on r/Deloitte are reporting that dreaded “Business Update Meeting” dates are being added to their calendars. We know what that means.

The someone added:

Remember, Deloitte employees are never “laid off” their jobs. They are repositioned to align with the firm’s strategic objectives in light of economic uncertainty and industry-level trends.

Apparently many people are in the revision right size this week.

Exhibit A: Unexpected turn of events, I’m getting fired TOO.

After not getting any real work done today because I was completely consumed by the day’s events, such as laying off everyone around me… I also received my business update email, which shocked not only me, but my team as well. I know you’re all going to ask about this in the comments, so let’s get this straight right now: I’m an Audit Senior in the West Region.

So my coworkers and I were laid off. To be honest, it feels like a mistake. There will be no one left on my team except my manager and superiors. I feel a little sorry for them too. We had deadlines that were getting closer and closer.

I know people in the office will try to make sense of all this: “You must have been performing poorly” or “You must have missed too many timesheets.” Etc…

For the record, I was rated “strongly agree” on both metrics on my last snapshot. I was told that explicitly. I had built good relationships with my team and the client. I led the engagement. I did a good job and my managers let it be known. I hadn’t missed a timesheet this year, although I think I missed two last year, so maybe that was my mistake lol. Maybe it was a compliance thing I missed last year? Who knows? They’ll chalk it up to market conditions. And no, I don’t have my CPA, even people with CPAs got laid off today/tomorrow.

TLDR: I received the invitation to the “Business Update Meeting” and spoiler the update is that I no longer work here.

Another: Got laid off. It has nothing to do with performance. It has to do with the bad business environment. I kind of knew it, but it still hurts

We don’t have much information other than a few Reddit posts. We’ll see what else we can dig up and let you know. We don’t expect Deloitte to make a public announcement, but perhaps with enough uproar they’ll feel compelled to (spoiler: they won’t). It sounds like the numbers will end up being significant. Shouldn’t AI prevent such a bloodbath?

Let us know by text or email if you are affected by this round of cuts and/or have any further information.