
topicnews · August 28, 2024

Labor Day travel tips for people with dementia

Labor Day travel tips for people with dementia

FAIRBANKS, Alaska (KTVF) – With Labor Day coming up this weekend, many Alaskans may be planning a summer vacation. If those plans include traveling with a loved one who has dementia, a little planning ahead can make the entire process a lot easier.

First, make sure the itinerary is as simple and straightforward as possible. Try to avoid stressors like tight connections and excessive stops. While the group may be tempted to cram the trip with destinations and attractions, remember that the key words are comfort and ease. Instead, focus on creating quality memories rather than trying to cram in as many sights as possible.

The way each party eliminates stressors may look different depending on the mode of transportation. If you’re traveling by plane, let the airline know about any special safety concerns or special needs, and try to find quiet places to rest in the airport. If you’re traveling by car, plan regular breaks for meals, rest, and bathroom breaks.

Also, plan according to the person’s abilities and routine. Many people with dementia can feel overwhelmed by even the smallest changes, so any aspect of their normal routine that can be maintained will help. For example, if the person is used to eating at certain times, write this into the schedule.

Before you leave, stock up on all sorts of things that might help you as well. This might include a favorite sweater, snacks, or easily stored games. It’s also important to bring a list of current medications and health documents.

If you have further questions, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America website has resources and a helpline where you can speak to a licensed social worker at 866-232-8484.

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