
topicnews · August 28, 2024

Optical illusion reveals whether you are left- or right-brained | Weird | News

Optical illusion reveals whether you are left- or right-brained | Weird | News

Optical illusions can be very revealing and often shed light on the inner workings of our brains. That’s exactly what a particular image of a horse is meant to do – but for it to really work, you have to stay true to your first instinct.

A TikTok clip by @psychologylove100 has gone viral, claiming to be able to tell whether you’re more of a logical thinker or a creative soul based on which side of your brain is more active.

The video begins with: “When you see the horse twirling from right to left, the left side of the brain dominates. You are more analytical and logical.”

The video continues: “If the horse turns from left to right, the right side of the brain is more dominant. This means that you are a very creative person.”

For those who have discovered both directions, the video suggests that they are among the exclusive 25% of people with a synchronized “right and left hemisphere.”

Users were quick to comment on the video, with one saying, “It goes left and right.” Another agreed, “I see both. Instantly.” A third noted, “I’m left-brained. Even in high school, a psychology teacher proves it, but I was the only one in my whole class. Even in other classrooms, there isn’t a single one.”

However, some viewers are not convinced and say the horse changes direction in the middle of the video. One commented: “I had it rotate in both directions. It’s brilliant. Then the upper body and lower body rotated differently.” Another user added: “Every time it changes direction in the middle. And is it correct to say it rotates? It goes in one direction and then changes direction halfway through the cycle.”

Mindvalley is a proponent of brain teasers, suggesting that they strengthen the mind by challenging the ability to think laterally, solve brain teasers, logic puzzles or riddles. They explain: “Lateral thinking is a form of problem solving that uses a more creative, less direct approach to the problem.”

“Analytical, logical problem solving promotes vertical thinking, an approach we are often taught when working with mathematical equations. Lateral thinking is the indirect approach. It helps us see problems in a completely new light. It helps us find unique, creative solutions that we might never have thought of before.”