
topicnews · August 27, 2024

Missoula police officer overpowers man trying to evade arrest

Missoula police officer overpowers man trying to evade arrest

Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) – On August 25, 2024 at approximately 8:27 p.m., an officer with the Missoula Police Department responded to a report of two occupants of a parked vehicle slumped over and “drooling” in a parking lot on North Reserve Street. The officer arrived on scene and noticed a man and a woman inside the vehicle.

The officer noticed that the man appeared to be attempting to conceal a glass pipe. He also noticed that a glass “tooter” straw with burnt residue was lying on the center console. The officer ordered the man to exit the vehicle. Once the man exited, the officer noticed what appeared to be a piece of aluminum foil with dark residue, indicating fentanyl use.

According to court documents, the man gave the officer a false name but was ultimately identified as 35-year-old Borris Barry. The officer was informed that there was a no-bail warrant out for Barry’s arrest.

Barry’s escape attempt

The officer ordered Barry to face the patrol car and place his hands behind his back. The officer attempted to grab one of Barry’s hands, but Barry ran. The officer pursued Barry and eventually decided to pull out his TASER. The officer yelled at Barry to stop and then pointed his activated TASER at Barry’s back. At this point, Barry stopped running. Barry fell to the ground and was handcuffed. After completing the arrest search, the officer found a metal “tooter” straw and eight $100 bills in his pocket.

The officer was informed that the woman had fled the scene. He called for additional officers to assist in the search for the woman.

During a probation search, an officer found a “fix kit” in Barry’s sweatshirt pocket and another ziplock bag on the seat where Barry was sitting. Inside the bag were several small plastic baggies containing blue “M30” fentanyl tablets. The officer knows from training and experience that individuals who distribute drugs often have specific amounts of the substance in each bag in order to sell specific amounts to those attempting to purchase the drugs.

Officials find the woman

The officer called off the search and impounded the vehicle pending a search warrant. At about the same time, an officer radioed that he had an adult female matching the description of the woman seen walking away from the scene. The woman was identified as 26-year-old Sierra Gehring, who was the registered owner of the vehicle.

An officer asked Gehring about her connection to Barry. She said Barry was a friend and had no idea he had obtained so much drugs and cash. When asked about her drug use, she said she had just smoked “blues” with Barry.

READ MORE: Missoula News – Crime Reports

105 blue “M30” fentanyl pills, a loaded syringe containing suspected methamphetamine, additional “tooter” straws and empty plastic bags were seized in the area where Barry was sitting. At this point, the vehicle and Gehring’s bag were impounded pending the obtaining of a search warrant.

Barry is currently charged with unlawful possession with intent to resell, unlawful escape, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, and obstructing a peace officer. His bail has been set at $50,000. Gehring is currently charged with unlawful possession of dangerous drugs.

The information in this article was obtained from publicly available sources.

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Gallery Credit: KC