
topicnews · August 27, 2024

Yellow Jacket Report: Preparing for the launch

Yellow Jacket Report: Preparing for the launch

As the first day of the 2024–25 school year approached, the teachers and staff of our Roanoke Rapids Graded School District prepared for a successful return of our students.

On Monday, August 26, the new academic year officially began and preparations were in full swing.

Professional development and safety training

Teachers across the district have been carefully preparing for the new school year by completing extensive professional development courses.

The focus this year is on the implementation of the new mathematics curriculum for grades 1 to 12, “enVision Math,” and the implementation of the English curriculum framework for grades 1 to 12.

Mathematics and English teachers participated in practical workshops and collaborative training to master this curriculum, which promises to improve students’ math and reading skills through innovative techniques, interactive learning, and alignment across grade levels.

A big thank you goes out to Lauren Hinnant, Executive Director of Instructional Services, for her hard work in organizing this professional development and other interesting sessions for our teaching staff across the district.

In addition to curriculum training, all staff who work directly with students have also completed important safety and procedural training.

In collaboration with the Roanoke Rapids Police Department, TEDI BEAR Children’s Advocacy Center, Child Protective Services, NC Conference of District Attorneys, and the Seventh District Attorney’s Office, staff have been educated on their responsibilities regarding reporting child abuse to law enforcement and Child Protective Services to ensure they are well equipped to protect the well-being of our students.

Following informative presentations by Ann Parsons, TEDI BEAR CAC nurse, and Whitney Belich, child abuse prosecutor with the NC Conference of District Attorneys, a panel discussion was led by Sara Council, Director of Student Services at RRGSD. Participants included Shayvonna Woodley (CPS), Michele Braswell (CPS), Lt Morgan Worrell (Roanoke Rapids Police Department), Whitney Belich (Child Abuse Prosecutor, NC Conference of DAs), Caroline Crawford (Assistant District Attorney), Kim Scott (District Attorney), and Ann Parsons (TEDI BEAR CAC nurse).

A huge thank you to all the panelists and a special thanks to RRGSD’s Sara Council, RRPD Chief of Investigations Harold Phillips, and TEDI BEAR Community Educator Kia Glosson for organizing this special project.

Additionally, all RRGSD staff completed CPR and First Aid certifications this month, demonstrating their readiness to effectively handle emergencies. We are grateful to our Roanoke Rapids Fire Department for their commitment to training and hands-on practice for all of our staff. RRGSD is proud to continue to be recognized as a Heart Safe School District through Project ADAM.

Successful Open House events

Open days at all schools were a great success, attracting an impressive number of students and their families. These events provided a valuable opportunity for parents and guardians to meet teachers, tour classrooms and learn about the upcoming school year. The positive feedback from participants reflects the strong community spirit and the concerted efforts of school staff to create a welcoming environment.

Plant upgrades

Our building and maintenance staff have also been working hard this summer to prepare for the return of our students and staff, completing summer projects that include: At Manning Elementary School, visitors will notice changes to the front and back of the school, including a new basketball court on the playground.

Belmont Elementary School has new flooring in the kindergarten hallway and exterior painting. Chaloner Middle School has a new HVAC system in the eighth grade wing.

Roanoke Rapids Early College has a new floor.

The stairwells in the senior building at Roanoke Rapids High School were significantly renovated and the roof was covered with new slate tiles.

A big thank you goes out to Robbie Clements, Director of Facilities and Operations, and Cole Griffies, Maintenance Supervisor, as well as our maintenance staff Stan Edwards, Mikey Ott, John Poythress, Danny Smith and Frankie Smith for their hard work.

Community support for students in need

The community support at the beginning of this school year was particularly encouraging, with two local organizations making significant contributions to help students get off to a good start.

Feed a Family First and Valley Community Church have worked tirelessly to provide essential school supplies during their Serve Days.

Through their generous efforts, they have distributed backpacks and lunch boxes filled with school supplies and food to students in need, ensuring that financial hurdles do not hinder children’s education. The backpacks are distributed by RRGSD’s Community Outreach Liaisons and Student Success Advocates.

Opening game of the Yellow Jackets varsity football team

On Friday night, the RRHS Yellow Jackets varsity football team thrilled their home crowd with a hard-fought 14-8 victory over Northampton in their season opener. The game showcased the team’s determination and grit, with outstanding performances on both sides of the ball.

The Yellow Jackets defense made key stops while their offense capitalized on key plays to secure the win. The victory not only got the team off to a strong start to the season, but it also electrified our local fans, who joined the RRHS cheerleaders and Marching Yellow Jackets Band in cheering passionately from the stands.

I am looking forward to

As students and families prepare for the first day of school, there is a palpable excitement and optimism in the air. The collaborative efforts of educators, community organizations and supportive families underscore our shared commitment to creating a nurturing and enriching learning environment for all.

The teachers are ready and well prepared, the community is supportive, and a warm welcome awaits them. The new school year will begin with enthusiasm and hope. We are excited about this school year and the entire district is united in our desire to make this the best school year ever because together we succeed.