
topicnews · August 27, 2024

‘Smart’ bear avoids scratching a nearby car in an epic wrestling match with a trash can

‘Smart’ bear avoids scratching a nearby car in an epic wrestling match with a trash can

In a video that will make vehicle owners turn a blind eye, a Canadian bear can be seen tipping and pulling a garbage can out of a carport, just inches from a Off-road vehicle.

Alireza Rabiee of North Vancouver, British Columbia, owns the carport and security camera that captured this footage of the stubborn bear. The video shows the animal turning the can over several times before dragging it outside, where it continues to try to get to the contents before finally giving up.

At several points in the video, it seems inevitable that the can will hit the car – but shockingly, this never happens.

Rabiee called the bear “smart” and “funny.”

According to the City of North Vancouver, the nearby North Shore Mountains are “prime” habitat for black bears, with many bears moving into city neighbourhoods from spring to late fall in search of food.

The City of North Vancouver’s Waste Management Service requires that all garbage containers be kept clean and “sufficiently stable and constructed to prevent access or disturbance of the contents by domestic or wild animals, birds, rodents or other pests.” Photo credit: Alireza Rabiee via Storyful

Video transcript


AK no, yes.
