
topicnews · August 27, 2024

(Video) Do you know the video where a woman disappears behind Scarlett Johansson? The actress confirmed that it is her mother!

(Video) Do you know the video where a woman disappears behind Scarlett Johansson? The actress confirmed that it is her mother!

A few years ago, a strange video appeared on the Internet in which a woman mysteriously disappeared behind Scarlett Johansson.

In a viral clip from the 2006 Weinstein Company Golden Globes after-party, a woman seemingly disappears behind Scarlett Johansson during an interview on the red carpet. The video shows Johansson during the interview while a woman in a black evening gown and a man in a dark suit walk past behind her. The man disappears from view, but the woman vanishes without reappearing, sparking widespread speculation and theories online about the mysterious disappearance. Many have wondered if the clip was altered or if there is another explanation, such as something supernatural, an alien abduction, or secret Golden Globes dimensional doors.

Can someone explain to me what is happening in this video?

A woman who completely disappears behind Scarlett Johansson on the red carpet?

— Duke of Africa (@Allezamani) December 27, 2022

The clip has since been “debunked”. Nothing supernatural happens.