
topicnews · August 27, 2024

Castings for “The Color Purple: The Musical” begin

Castings for “The Color Purple: The Musical” begin

JACKSON, Tennessee – Calling all actors and actresses: There’s a chance to get on stage.

The Ned holds auditions for The Color Purple: The Musical.

Castings for “The Color Purple: The Musical” begin

Auditions took place today and will continue tomorrow, August 27, at 4pm at The Ned. The musical revolves around a young girl named Celie and spans 35 years of her life.

Director Ebony Taylor says audiences will see Celie grow and the goal is to give audiences hope.

“We know that blue expresses a kind of sadness, calm and hiddenness, and red expresses explosiveness. With Celie, we see a lot of blue throughout her life, but that red is always bubbling to the surface. But she needs balance, she doesn’t have to be all red or all blue, and that’s where the purple comes in,” Taylor said.

Performances of The Color Purple: The Musical will take place November 7-9 and November 14-16. For more information about tomorrow’s auditions, click here: Here.

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