
topicnews · September 26, 2024

4 simple eyeliner tricks that are perfect for drooping eyelids over 40

4 simple eyeliner tricks that are perfect for drooping eyelids over 40

Eyeliner over 40
Droopy eyelids? Then you’ll love these 4 simple tricks

Top model Claudia Schiffer is also happy about drooping eyelids – because now she can use these 4 tricks.

© Dave Benett / Getty Images

Eye make-up is all well and good, but what should we do if you can’t actually see any of it after applying it? Open your eyes and go for it – we’ll show you four simple kohl tricks for eyelids over 40.

In fact, drooping eyelids are a gift. Because you now have the exclusive opportunity to Four eyeliner tricks for eyelids over 40 to learn about the best hairstyles that really look fantastic on every eye. They are so simple that anyone can do them straight away, we promise! We’ll also turn a blind eye if you’re not over 40.

Kajal Ü40: Droopy eyelids love these 4 simple make-up tricks

Either you have been with Droopy eyelids blessed, or you only received this gift as you got older. Of course, this has nothing to do with whether you are over 30, over 40 or over 50 – the formation of drooping eyelids can have many reasons. In addition to genetic predisposition, it depends on the Collagen framework your skin. Natural collagen production decreases with age, which is directly correlated with its firmness. External factors such as sun exposure, smoking, etc. can accelerate this. But careless rubbing of the eye area can also lead to this being the case. Elastic and collagen fibers around the eye area destroyed and this causes drooping eyelids. Whatever the cause, the tricks for how we apply eyeliner to our eyes remain the same. And we simply can’t keep them from you any longer. Let’s get started!

1. Kajal on the upper waterline

In the past, we used to apply the eyeliner to the lower waterline for a smokey effect. This would actually be a faux pas if you have droopy eyelids – we prefer to aim high. With our brown or black eyeliner pencil, we can delight the over 40s. Sacred Waterline.

The so-called Tightlining has a big advantage compared to applying it to the lower waterline: It thickens the upper lash line by skin-colored gaps filled and thus ensures a fuller lash line. Without having to have any magical eyeliner skills, you can enjoy its thickening benefits.

Here are our ultimate tips for a long-lasting Kajal application on the upper waterline:

  • There is a tip for everything you do at the upper waterline: Mirror below the face so that you look down on it. Then gently with your weak hand pull up the eyelidso that the waterline is exposed. Now you can start with the ceremonial painting.
  • Sharpening eyelinerbut not too sharp Otherwise the tip will tickle you and you will cry. We can’t answer that!
  • It stands and falls with a good waterproof eyelinerFor this step you want not a creamy product but rather a firmer pen that do not blur It shouldn’t be too firm, though, because otherwise the color won’t come out and you’ll have to go over the same spot too often, which can irritate your eyes and cause them to water.
  • If you are struggling with watery eyes, then apply the eyeliner Cotton swabsWith which you carefully mark the upper waterline pat dryThis way the eyeliner can adhere better to the skin and doesn’t run.
  • Once you have applied the eyeliner, hold your eyelid a moment longerso that the product has time to dry on your upper waterline without immediately coming into contact with your tears. A few seconds is enough.
  • Please apply the eyeliner all the way Inner corner of the eye Apply it! The same applies to the outside. Because this is the only way to create the irresistible eyelashes that you dream about at night.
  • A few minutes after application, you can take a cotton swab again and excess productWipe away any makeup that may have accumulated in the inner corner of the eye. You can also repeat this on the lower waterline.

Wow, those were some tips. Finally, a cliché sentence is a must: Practice makes perfect. You think you can’t do it? That’s not true. Just try, try and try.

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2. Inner canthus

The great thing about kohl is that it comes in so many colors. A light beige, for example, is perfect for adding pep to the inner corner of your eye. To do this – quite the opposite of trick number 1 – choose a very creamy eyelinerNow everything happens very quickly: Simply Draw a lying “V” in the inner corner of your eyeDab lightly with your ring finger to blend and voila, your eyes look open, awake and bigger.

3. Accentuate the lower lash line

We’d rather skip the dark eyeliner on the lower waterline, but this creamy one from just now… Bring it on! But that’s not all you can do to accentuate your eyes. Take your brown eyeliner pencil and apply it below the waterline on the lash line. Brown instead of blackbecause it looks more natural. The lighter your hair, the lighter the color of your eyeliner will be.

In Claudia Schiffer's make-up, you can clearly see that the lower waterline was left out and the eyeliner was applied at the bottom of the lash line. A lighter tone was applied in the inner corner, and the upper lash line was completely filled with eyeliner. Black was used here - for everyday use, it's best to go for a lighter color, then it looks more natural and less dramatic.

In Claudia Schiffer’s make-up, you can clearly see that the lower waterline was left out and the eyeliner was applied at the bottom of the lash line. A lighter tone was applied in the inner corner, and the upper lash line was completely filled with eyeliner. Black was used here – for everyday use, it’s best to go for a lighter color, then it looks more natural and less dramatic.

© Action Press

We are not drawing a simple line here, no. We accentuate our eyes and give him definition. Simply follow your lower lash line and work like an artist sketching with a pencil: small, gentle strokesFinally, use your finger to smudge everything a little so that no lines are visible. If our drooping eyelids are already taking up space for us to play above, then we can move to the bottom.

4. Eyeliner with kohl

A thick wing liner disappears when we open our eyes if we have droopy eyelids. Applying make-up is not so easy when the skin gets in the way. And where do you put the tip? Too many stumbling blocks, let’s leave it. Luckily we have our eyeliner, which has made the whole thing so easy for us. Because we are doing No tips, accurate eyelinerbut a Beautiful soft kohl eyeliner.

Step-by-step instructions for a kohl eyeliner for drooping eyelids:

  1. As explained above, apply the brown or black eyeliner pencil to the upper waterline. Once you have done that, we go one step further: Now we are not afraid to To hit our eyelid during tightliningIn other words, we will paint everything up there, regardless of the consequences, until there are no more skin-colored gaps left. You may well have to stop and blink every now and then – but that’s allowed (as an exception)!
  2. Now we have worked on the lash line from below, now it is the turn of the top. Remember to align your mirror at the bottom. To do this, do not hold the eyeliner at an angle, but quickly horizontally so that you really come from above. This makes the whole thing much easier, you will shine. Now just paint as discussed before small, gentle strokes to your lash line like a top artist sketching with a pencil. It doesn’t matter whether it looks good or not. Just apply it! You can gently pull loose skin out of the way or smooth it out with your other hand. And go from the outside to the inside.
  3. Now it’s time to use your little finger. Using gentle movements, you can now blend the whole thing so that it becomes a smooth, even line. Of course, you can also use a slanted eyebrow brush to help you, but you don’t have to.

Actually, that’s it! Of course, you can also join a small wing at the outer corner of the eye try. If you have droopy eyelids, the angle must be relatively straight. And another little tip: don’t pull the wing while you’re pulling the skin out of the way. Work with exactly what you have, because that’s exactly how it will look later.
