
topicnews · September 25, 2024

4.10.: COBARIO – Strings on Fire – 5.10.: Five Times Five

4.10.: COBARIO – Strings on Fire – 5.10.: Five Times Five

On October 4th and 5th, two interesting concerts will take place in the Alte Schmiede on Pernerinsel as part of the Ynselzeit:

Friday, 4.10.2024, 20:00
COBARIO – Strings in flames

HALLEIN. Spanish, Irish, oriental and Slavic influences combined with classical elements characterize the sound of Cobario. In addition to the main instruments of violin and guitar, bass, synthesizer and numerous percussion instruments are also used, creating a versatile sound.

Saturday, 5.10.2024, 20:00
Five times five – girl power

HALLEIN. The virtuoso musicians Cozy Friedel on violin and polyphonic simultaneous singing and Anna Keller on saxophone, flute and clarinet, together with bass, keyboard and drums, create hypnotic soundscapes that captivate the audience. Awarded first prize in the German Women in Jazz Competition 2023.

In collaboration with:
Schmiede Hallein, tickets at TVB Hallein and online at and