
topicnews · September 25, 2024

Leipzig: Bicycle theft goes wrong – police catch gang of thieves and find loot

Leipzig: Bicycle theft goes wrong – police catch gang of thieves and find loot

Leipzig- The trade fair city has to contend with one less group of bicycle thieves.

The trio had stolen the e-bike of a 31-year-old woman. However, their attempt to sell it proved to be their undoing. (Symbolic image) © rainerfuhrmann/123RF

In recent weeks, the police arrested two Germans aged 32 and 35 and a 33-year-old Spaniard, the authorities announced on Wednesday. Various stolen goods, including a stolen e-bike, were previously found in the 35-year-old’s apartment.

The owner had already reported the bike as stolen on September 16. Two days later, her husband came across the vehicle on an online sales platform and reported it to the police.

The investigation finally led the officers to track down the 35-year-old. Just three days later, they searched both the man’s apartment and garage together with the Saxon riot police.

Leipzig: Apartments, houses and even a primary school: Several break-ins in Leipzig and the surrounding area
Leipzig crime thriller
Apartments, houses and even a primary school: Several break-ins in Leipzig and the surrounding area

In addition to the 31-year-old’s bike, they found two e-scooters, another e-bike, a bicycle and pieces of jewelry, all stolen. They also found a small amount of drugs and prescription medication. The stolen goods alone are said to be worth in the low five-figure range.

Several investigations are now underway against the trio, including for several theft offenses and violations of the Narcotics Act.