
topicnews · August 26, 2024

Should schools start later because of the heat? Two districts in eastern Iowa comment

Should schools start later because of the heat? Two districts in eastern Iowa comment

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) – With heat index readings over 100, it can be difficult for anyone to keep cool, especially students.

“I feel like I’m swimming in a lake of sweat,” said Des Foreman, a student at Erskine Elementary School.

That’s why 19 school districts in eastern Iowa have decided to close early on Monday, mainly because many of their buildings don’t have strong enough air conditioning… or none at all.

“Window air conditioners can basically only reduce the air temperature by 10 to 15 degrees. So if the outside temperature is 95 degrees, the temperature in the classroom will be 85 to 80 degrees,” said Chad Schumacher, CRCSD’s director of operations.

“As soon as it gets warm, even though we try to air condition those areas, the heat meets the cold, and that can lead to even more humidity,” said Caleb Bonjour, superintendent of the Gladbrook-Reinbeck School District.

As Iowa’s climate continues to change, warm weather may become more common around the start of school, leading some to question whether school should start later in the year.

“When I was a kid we did this after Labor Day, so I’m all for it,” said Holly Kalous, a mother from Erskine.

But Schumacher says that probably wouldn’t help.

“The situation is getting hotter and hotter, but we also have to remember that the longer we wait to start, the longer we will be in school. So things could get hot at the back too,” said Schumacher.

Bonjour and Schumacher both say that while ending school early may be inconvenient for families, it is the best way to ensure children’s safety.

“If all of our buildings were modernized and we were able to equip all of them with air conditioning, we could definitely be in school all day,” Schumacher said.