
topicnews · August 26, 2024

Cambridge investigation exonerates Graham and Parks director of all allegations

Cambridge investigation exonerates Graham and Parks director of all allegations

In a letter to the Graham and Parks families, acting superintendent David Murphy said an attorney with the law firm Norris, Murray & Peloquin, LLC interviewed more than 80 people and concluded that “the credible evidence does not support a finding of a toxic workplace.”

“The evidence shows that the staff under Dr Smith’s leadership had a variety of experiences, some of which were extremely positive, supportive and stimulating, and others considerably less so,” the investigator was quoted as saying.

While the investigation found the allegations against Smith were unfounded, Murphy said it was clear the past year had been “a difficult year” and announced the appointment of former principal Robin Harris as “special advisor to the superintendent” based at the school.

Murphy also announced other Steps to support the school, including town hall-style meetings with staff and parents.

“As a school district focused on children and their well-being, we are committed to continuous improvement in every way, and that applies to Graham and Parks, as well as every other school and division in Cambridge Public Schools,” Murphy said in an interview.

The district will not comment further or provide any further information on this matter “given the confidentiality of personnel files and information owed to all parties involved,” Wycoff said. said.

The district has not published the report The findings are detailed, but the Globe filed a public records request on Tuesday to obtain the document.

Smith was hired in 2022 as principal of the school, which teaches about 400 students in preschool through fifth grade. She sent a message to families on Monday welcoming them and sharing logistical information ahead of the first day on Sept. 3.

The investigation, which has been The trial began in January after an anonymous group of parents said Smith had created a toxic work environment at the school.

The parent group that raised concerns, the Graham and Parks Caregiver Coalition, issued a statement in January outlining its criticism of Smith’s leadership, including what it said were anonymous complaints from teachers. The group said it also sent a petition to Smith and district leaders in December 2023 “raising concerns about their leadership style,” signed by 116 Graham & Parks caregivers.

The investigation became the focus of a public campaign against then-Superintendent Victoria Greer, whom the school committee ultimately removed in May. At a March meeting when the board was scheduled to conduct Greer’s midyear evaluation, dozens of parents from the school spoke out against her for hiring Smith and called for Smith’s firing.

School board members who voted to terminate Greer’s contract did not give any reasons for the separation from the district superintendent. and did not indicate that Graham and Parks’ situation played a role.

The investigator also looked into allegations of an improper hiring process. Smith was hired following a hiring process where she was the only applicant, and her critics claimed that she had not been adequately vetted.

In his letter, Murphy said the investigator concluded that an additional reference check should have been conducted, but there was no evidence that this would have affected the outcome.

The parent group received public records This suggests that in her previous position as principal of Underwood Elementary School in Newton, Smith faced allegations from the teachers’ union there that she had bullied and intimidated staff and retaliated against those who disagreed with her.

Heather Richards, human resources director for Newton schools, found in a June 2019 report that Smith’s behavior “did not meet the definition of a hostile work environment” because there was no evidence that she had discriminated based on characteristics such as race, gender or religion, according to records released by the group. But her behavior “led to a toxic work environment,” Richards said, adding “The school needs new management.”

Some parents have spoken out in support of Smith; in May, an anonymous opposition group, Caregivers and Children of Color at Graham and Parks School, sent its own open letter to the school committee and board in support of Smith. Smith is working to close longstanding achievement gaps at the school, the letter said, and the call to replace her “feels targeted.”

Christopher Huffaker can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him @huffakingit.