
topicnews · September 25, 2024

Justin Winter finds love on “First Dates”

Justin Winter finds love on “First Dates”

The Ganderkesee pop singer Justin Winter found his dream partner Dustin on the TV show “First Dates”. The two are planning a future together – but despite all the harmony, there is one catch.

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Ganderkesee – “It’s really crazy!”, says Justin Winter about the dating experiment he dared to try. After things didn’t really work out on the relevant online platforms, the pop singer from Ganderkesee tried his luck on the TV show “First Dates – A Table for Two”. Since it was broadcast earlier this week, one thing is clear: the experiment is a success! His date partner, 30-year-old Dustin from Düsseldorf, is now the man at the side of the 31-year-old, whose real name is Kevin – and can certainly smile about the similarity of the names Justin, Dustin and Kevin.

A good sense of humor was already shared by Kevin and Dustin during the recording of the “First Dates” episode in Cologne in May. It is obvious in the show that the chemistry between them was right from the start. Dustin wears a nice shirt and smells good, Kevin describes his first impression of the man from Düsseldorf in an interview sequence. Dustin, in turn, repeatedly states that Kevin is very attractive – even though he doesn’t look anything like his dream man, the British Superman actor Henry Cavill.

Many similarities – but not only

The two also quickly discover that they have common professional skills: while Kevin, who now works full-time in the telecommunications trade, is a qualified hotel manager, Dustin also trained as a chef in a hotel. The 30-year-old now works as a waiter. Serious differences emerge when it comes to their taste in music: Dustin likes R’n’B and hip hop, pop music is not his thing at all. When Kevin tells him that he listens to pop music and Ballermann music and is also a pop singer himself, the man from Düsseldorf raises his eyebrows. But then they both agree on their need for freedom in a relationship.


The signs point to a rapprochement when it comes to future planning. Kevin admits without hesitation that it was always his plan to be married by the age of 30, to have a house, a child and a dog. And that it is about time. Dustin is not in such a hurry. “It will come as it comes,” he says. Even if it has not been an issue for him so far, it is kind of “not a problem” for him. For now, the two agree, but laughing, on two dogs, one large and one small. How the date will end is finally clear: It is not just the service staff in the restaurant who think “That seems very flirty.” In the end, Kevin and Dustin also know that there will be a second date.

Only for short distance

All of that happened four months ago. What happened after the show? “We spent the evening together and the next day on the way back to Ganderkesee I stopped in Düsseldorf for a coffee,” reports Kevin, alias Justin Winter. “Two days later I went back and spent the night there.”

The two men are currently in a long-distance relationship. Kevin spends the weekends from Friday to Sunday in Düsseldorf, and when Dustin has Mondays and Tuesdays off, he comes to Ganderkesee. The city dweller likes the provinces so much that the commute will soon be over: “On November 1st, Dustin is moving to Ganderkesee with me,” reveals Kevin. The singer is very pragmatic about his continued lack of passion for pop music: “He just has to get on with it.” He doesn’t have to love it, just accept it.”

Caroline Schulz