
topicnews · September 25, 2024

AI start-ups present themselves at the festival – Ruhrgebiet – News

AI start-ups present themselves at the festival – Ruhrgebiet – News

For more modern teaching

Could this perhaps also be used to modernize dusty teaching materials in schools? In fact, the Düsseldorf-based Start-up already works with schools and would like to see more cooperation in the future. However, this often fails due to money.

In the cave USAsays Kunts, Start-ups She would have much better chances and would get more money. Nevertheless, she wants to stay here with her company.

Next to Start-ups Present yourself at AI-Festival also includes well-known companies such as the Duisburg utility and transport company (DVV). They have their robot vehicle Fridolin with them. Fridolin patrols the company premises of DVV and can use (thermal imaging) cameras to send images to the emergency call and service control center if, for example, unauthorized persons are on the premises.

In the afternoon there is a Speed ​​dating. People who want to get to know each other sit down at a table and ask each other questions. “What are your interests? Are you a founder? Where is your product used?” After two minutes, everyone changes. Modern networking. That definitely loosens up a conference, oh no – a festival.

The WDR will also report on this topic on the radio on WDR 2 on September 25, 2024.

Our sources:

  • WDR reporter on site
  • Fraunhofer-inHaus-Center
  • NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Duisburg Utility and Transport Company