
topicnews · September 25, 2024

Successful energy network with a wide reach – pv magazine Germany

Successful energy network with a wide reach – pv magazine Germany

10 years of fokus.energie eV in Karlsruhe / Founded on 29 September 2014

For 10 years, fokus.energie eV has been providing new impetus for a sustainable energy future. The initiative of committed companies and entrepreneurs from the region, founded on September 29, 2014 in Karlsruhe, has long since grown actively beyond the region and, with its 126 members (including companies, associations, initiatives, networks and individual members), sets nationwide accents for campaigns and projects.

Supporting ideas, companies and projects

People come together here; knowledge and skills are also promoted through further training: fokus.energie promotes and supports innovative ideas, companies and projects. The network is independent and open to any sustainable technology for the generation, storage, distribution and efficient use of energy. Founders, innovators, companies and investors find a trustworthy platform here to exchange visions and talents.

From the beginning, it was important to fokus.energie to be the only energy network in Baden-Württemberg to connect strong players from research, education, medium-sized businesses and large companies with the creativity of committed start-ups. This creates synergies that not only develop attractive forces, but also bring new talent to Karlsruhe. Together with constructive initiatives, the region’s reputation as an international center of expertise for energy is visibly expanded and strengthened.

Diverse activities

It is about visibly positioning the topics of innovation, energy and the future – and far beyond Karlsruhe. fokus.energie looks back with pride on the diverse activities of the past ten years: be it the AXEL promoted by “Start-up BW” – the energy accelerator for start-ups in Baden-Württemberg and beyond, the topic-specific focal points where experts shed light on current developments, or the numerous “Demo Days” that offer insights into future-oriented ideas. The Startup Energy Cups, which give young founders visibility, are also among the successes.

Start-ups in focus

A central focus of fokus.energie is to provide independent and targeted support to young, innovative start-ups – from the initial idea to market readiness and market entry – supported by “Start-up BW”. Since 2018, almost 200 start-ups in the energy sector with around 450 founders have been supported in this way. AXEL – the energy accelerator for start-ups in Baden-Württemberg and beyond, has established itself as a strong and visible platform for these topics thanks to cooperation with companies, institutions and universities in the energy center of the Karlsruhe technology region.

Making climate protection a career

fokus.energie is also actively involved in the Energy & Climate Festivals in Karlsruhe and organizes its own energy congresses with experts from the network as well as youth forums. These youth forums are aimed at young people who are considering their future career choices and career planning. Whether it is a job, training, studies or starting a business – the energy transition in Germany is bringing about profound changes in many areas, especially in the energy sector. fokus.energie starts right here and gives young people practical ideas in the areas of sustainability, climate protection and the energy transition.

For example, the “DiKraft” project for the trades is being implemented together with partners, offering valuable suggestions for collaboration with other trades. Everyone can take part in the “3 Degrees Now” initiative to save energy – be it companies or citizens in everyday life.

The “energie.geladen” platform offers a low-threshold offering on the topic of “From the energy transition to sustainability”. The aim is to provide impetus and to make initiatives more visible. Active participation is expressly desired – whether from home builders, municipalities, tradespeople, companies, committed citizens, students, schoolchildren, energy experts, universities, research institutions or even politicians. They can all help to drive innovation, promote renewable and sustainable energy sources and use resources efficiently. Essentially, this is a democratization of knowledge in the energy sector.

The fokus.energie network is also an active member of the Climate Protection Advisory Board of the City of Karlsruhe, supports the city’s energy strategy and works with the Climate Alliance. In addition, the regular energy calendar with events on various energy topics is open to anyone interested.

Professional expertise from Karlsruhe

Many successful projects and events have been and are being realized in cooperation with partners from across the region, both nationally and internationally. The increasing demand for professional expertise is reflected in the renewed request from the Chilean Chamber of Industry and Commerce for start-ups with German know-how in the energy sector. Innovative solutions for the energy transition are more in demand than ever, and products from Germany enjoy a great reputation.

With its network, fokus.energie can help establish innovative ideas, products and services on the market, increase their competitiveness and present the region as an innovative showcase. Ultimately, new ideas are needed to give further momentum to the energy transition. Especially in this region, which is characterized by numerous energy companies and research centers, fokus.energie can act as an accelerator with its network.