
topicnews · September 25, 2024

++ Info meeting at noon, 25.09.24: Resignations from the Greens ++

++ Info meeting at noon, 25.09.24: Resignations from the Greens ++

The Greens want to find their way out of the crisis with faces. The party executive committee is making way due to poor election results and poor poll ratings.

After the poor election results of the past few months, the Greens are aiming for a fresh start. The party executive committee will resign, the two co-chairs Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour announced in Berlin. A new executive committee is to be elected at the federal party conference in Wiesbaden in mid-November.

Four elections – four defeats

The Greens suffered the smallest losses in the last four elections – the European elections and the state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg. In Brandenburg they more than halved their result and were thrown out of the state parliament. They are also no longer represented in the Thuringian state parliament. Only in Saxony did they narrowly manage to get back into the state parliament.


Nouripour and Lang resign
This is how politics in BW reacted to the resignation of the Green Party’s federal executive board

After the election defeats: Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang resign from their posts and the Green Party’s federal executive board resigns. How is politics in Baden-Württemberg reacting?

“Don’t stick to your own chair”

“New faces are needed to lead the party out of this crisis,” said Green Party co-chair Lang. “Now is not the time to cling to your chair. Now is the time to take responsibility, and we are taking on this responsibility by enabling a fresh start,” she added. Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour were elected co-chairs at the end of January 2022 and confirmed in office in November 2023.

Future of Ostalb Clinics decided

The future of the three clinics in the Ostalb district is clear. The district council voted on Tuesday evening for improved reconstruction plans. After protests in Ellwangen, a compromise was reached whereby the emergency care in the Virngrund clinic would also include trauma surgery and a computer tomography unit. The three clinics currently have an annual deficit of 60 million euros – and the trend is rising. The agreed future concept is intended to reduce the loss by up to a third.