
topicnews · September 25, 2024

“Delayed” investigations annoy serial rapist :: Mmegi Online

“Delayed” investigations annoy serial rapist :: Mmegi Online

Accused serial rapist Gomolemo Loeto has lost patience with the public prosecutor’s office, saying the investigation is dragging on, affecting his chances of being released on bail.

When Loeto appeared before the Extension II Magistrate’s Court for an update on his case, he disclosed that he has been in police custody for over two months now, on suspicion of raping over 15 women in Ramotswa.

Loeto said he was baffled that every time he appears in court, the state suggests that an investigation is underway, prompting the court to continue to remand him in custody.

In the courtroom this morning, prosecutor Simon Galebonwe informed presiding judge Keabetswe Majuta that the forensic department had not yet completed its investigations and applied for the accused to be remanded in custody.

“The investigation into this case is ongoing and we are still waiting for a forensic report as the accused has provided his DNA and they are busy conducting tests,” Galebonwe asked.

However, the accused Loeto was not happy with Galebonwe’s advice to the court.

“I would like to know exactly how long the investigation will take, because I have been in custody for two months,” asked Loeto.

He further said that when he was denied bail, he was told that it was just a precautionary measure so that he would not obstruct the investigation. He wondered how he could do that two months later, as the issue was not new.

Judge Majuta asked the prosecutor to provide a timeframe for the completion of the investigation so that Loeto’s release on bail could be considered.

In his response, Galebonwe stated that there is currently no timeframe.

“…forensics have to look through a lot of samples and we could not have the frame until the next scheduled date,” Galebonwe said.

The case will be heard on October 14 before the Justice of the Peace of the Second Division.