
topicnews · September 25, 2024

JPMorgan puts Easyjet on “Positive Catalyst Watch” ()

JPMorgan puts Easyjet on “Positive Catalyst Watch” ()

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) – The US bank JPMorgan has given Easyjet shares the stamp of “Positive Catalyst Watch”. In his industry analysis published on Wednesday, Harry Gowers is thus expressing his optimism regarding rising market expectations. It is about 10 percent above the consensus. Easyjet shares are also Gowers’ favorite in an industry for which he generally sees a buying opportunity with a view to the winter. His fundamental rating remains at “Overweight” with a price target of 660 pence./ag/tih Publication of the original study: 09/24/2024 / 10:00 p.m. / BST First distribution of the original study: 09/25/2024 / 12:15 a.m. / BST Note: Information on the disclosure obligation in the event of conflicts of interest within the meaning of Section 85 (1) WpHG, Art. 20 VO (EU) 596/2014 for the analyst house mentioned can be found at