
topicnews · September 25, 2024

Episode 8: August 2017: “Blame on both sides”

Episode 8: August 2017: “Blame on both sides”

All episodes of “Four Years of Trump”

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This audio episode is part of our project “Four Years of Trump”. In it, we recount Donald Trump’s presidency, 48 months in 48 episodes. You can listen to all episodes here.

The transcript of the episode

MODERATION: In August 2017, the President made headlines with two highly controversial statements. The first statement was directed at North Korea. Donald Trump on August 8th to speak about the opioid crisis. Instead, he used the appearance at his estate in Bedminster, New Jersey, to make a harsh threat.

North Korea had better not make any more threats against the United States. They will be met with fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen. North Korea is threatening beyond the norm. And as I said, they will be met with fire and fury and, frankly, power the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Donald Trump

MODERATION: The announcement that North Korea is threateningFire and Fury“, meaning “fire and fury” and a counterattack “such as the world has never seen before,” is considered a harsh escalation. The tone goes far beyond the usual way of dealing with North Korea, writes the New York TimesAnonymous sources close to Trump told Reuters that his statements were “unplanned and spontaneous.” There is growing concern that Trump is being too naive and warmongering in his otherwise diplomatic dealings with Kim Jong Un.



MODERATION: In the city, about two hours’ drive from Washington, DC, thousands of neo-Nazis demonstrated in mid-August. Their motto “Unite the Right“. There are also demonstrations against the right-wing groups that call for more tolerance. After the neo-Nazi demonstration, one of the participants gets into his car and deliberately drives into a group of counter-demonstrators. He kills a 32-year-old woman and injures at least 19 other people. Attorney General Jeff Sessions calls the act “domestic terrorism” and condemns the hatred, bigotry and violence shown – on both sides.

Well, I think there is blame – yes, I think there is blame on both sides. Look at both sides. I think there is blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about that, and you have no doubt about that either.

Donald Trump

MODERATION: In September 2024, during the TV debate with Kamala Harris, Trump will claim that he did not treat the two groups equally.


MODERATION: At the end of August 2017, there was a premiere: Trump issued a pardon for the first time. During a hurricane. Hardliner Sheriff Joe Arpaio had been convicted of contempt of court in Arizona. Trump’s pardon was criticized by many lawyers. As the highest authority in the executive branch, he had thereby intervened in the judiciary.

A lot of people think it was the right thing to do, John.

Donald Trump


MODERATION: What Trump says about Trump in August, on August 10th in a speech in New Jersey:

Nobody has more respect for intelligence than Donald Trump.

Donald Trump